Jeff T. Hay Biography
Personal, Addresses, Career, Honors Awards, Writings, Work in Progress, Sidelights
Education: Pacific Lutheran University, B.A., 1986; University of California, San Diego, M.A., 1991; Ph.D., 1994. Hobbies and other interests: Travel, playing music, jogging, water sports, graphic design.
Office—Department of History, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182.
Educator and author. University of California, San Diego, teacher, 1994-99; San Diego State University, lecturer, 1995—; freelance writer and editor; historian.
Honors Awards
Booklist Editor's Choice, American Library Association, 2003, for A History of the Third Reich.
(Editor) Richard M. Nixon, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2001.
(Editor) The Early Middle Ages, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2001.
(Editor) Immigration, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2001.
(Editor) The Treaty of Versailles, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2002.
(Editor) The Renaissance, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2002.
(Editor) The Middle Ages, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 202.
(Editor) Europe Rules the World, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2002.
A History of the Third Reich, four volumes, Greenhaven Press (Detroit, MI), 2003.
The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, Green-haven Press (San Diego, CA), 2004.
(Editor) Living through the End of the Cold War, Green-haven Press (San Diego, CA), 2005.
Work in Progress
Anthogy: America's Failure in Vietnam, completion in 2005; research into southeast Asia's contact with Europeans and Americans.
Jeff T. Hay, the author of nonfiction titles that include A History of the Third Reich, has a keen interest in history. While there have been many publications aimed at educating students about the Holocaust, a reviewer for Jeff T. Hay Booklist stated that A History of the Third Reich deserves special recognition because it "provides essential background information to help students understand the social and political elements that enabled the Third Reich to come to power and set events into motion."
Composed of four volumes, each having a specific focus, A History of the Third Reich seeks to inform readers in a well-rounded manner. Volumes one and two contain reprinted articles, organized alphabetically, that delve into issues surrounding German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and the rise of antisemitism. Volume three contains brief biographies of key leaders of the Reich as well as of the men and women who made notable contributions during World War II, such as British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, German businessman and humanitarian Oskar Schindler, and a number of top-level members of the Nazi party. The fourth volume contains moving excerpts from diaries as well as other primary source materials.
Hay told Something about the Author: "I am old school and interested in historical narrative. A great deal of academic research has been done over the last twenty to thirty years, and I like to integrate it into more-familiar stories and make it more accessible. As Hollywood continually reminds us, the audience for historical stories is broad and deep."
Biographical and Critical Sources
Booklist, August, 2003, review of A History of the Third Reich, p. 2027.
School Library Journal, April, 2004, Dana McDougald, review of Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, p. 93.*
Additional topics
- Torey L(ynn) Hayden (1951-) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Honors Awards, Writings, Adaptations, Sidelights
- Other Free Encyclopedias
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