Tim(othy) F. LaHaye (1926-)
Spirit-Controlled Temperaments, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1966, updated and expanded edition, 1993.
How to Be Happy Though Married, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1968, 2002.
Transformed Temperaments, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1971, 1993.
Tim F. LaHaye
The Beginning of the End, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1972, revised and expanded edition, 1991.
How to Win Over Depression, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1973, revised edition, 1996.
Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1973, revised edition published as Revelation Unveiled, 1999.
The Ark on Ararat, T. Nelson (Nashville, TN), 1976.
(With wife, Beverly LaHaye) The Act of Marriage, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1976, 1998.
How to Study the Bible for Yourself, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1976, revised edition, 1998.
The Bible's Influence on American History, Master Books (San Diego, CA), 1976.
Understanding the Male Temperament: What Every Man Would Like to Tell His Wife about Himself . . . But Won't, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1977, published as Understanding the Male Temperament: What Women Want to Know about Men but Don't Know How to Ask, second edition, Revell (Grand Rapids, MI), 1996.
Spirit-Controlled Family Living, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1978.
The Battle for the Mind, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1980.
Life in the Afterlife, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1980.
The Battle for the Family, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1981.
The Battle for the Public Schools, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1982.
Anger Is a Choice, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1982, 2002.
How to Manage Pressure before Pressure Manages You, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1983.
The Coming Peace in the Middle East, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1984.
Your Temperament: Discover Its Potential, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1984.
(With wife, Beverly LaHaye) Practical Answers to Common Questions about Sex in Marriage, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1984.
The Hidden Censors, Revell (Old Tappan, NJ), 1984.
Sex Education Is for the Family, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1985.
The Race for the Twenty-first Century, T. Nelson (Nashville, TN), 1986.
Faith of Our Founding Fathers, Wolgemunt & Hyatt (Brentwood, TN), 1987.
Finding the Will of God in a Crazy, Mixed-up World, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1989.
How to Study Bible Prophecy for Yourself, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1990, published as Understanding the Last Days, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1998, published as Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2001.
If Ministers Fall, Can They Be Restored?, Pyranee Books (Grand Rapids, MI), 1990.
I Love You, But Why Are We So Different?, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1991, revised edition published as Opposites Attract, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1998.
No Fear of the Storm, Multnomah Books (Sisters, OR), 1992, published as Rapture under Attack, Armageddon Books (West Jefferson, NC), 1998.
Against the Tide: How to Raise Sexually Pure Kids in an "Anything Goes" World, Multnomah Books (Sisters, OR), 1993, published as Raising Sexually Pure Kids: How to Prepare Your Children for the Act of Marriage, Multnomah Publishers (Sisters, OR), 1998.
A Nation without a Conscience, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1994.
(With Jerry and Ramona Tuma) Smart Money: Understanding and Successfully Controlling Your Financial Behavior, Multnomah Books (Sisters, OR), 1994.
The Spirit-Filled Family, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 1995.
Jesus, Who Is He?, Multnomah Books (Sisters, OR), 1996, published as Why Believe in Jesus, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2004.
Power of the Cross: Real Stories, Real People, a Real God, Multnomah Books (Sisters, OR), 1998.
(With wife, Beverly LaHaye) Gathering Lilies from among the Thorns, New Leaf Press (Green Forest, AR), 1998.
Bible Prophecy: What You Need to Know, Armageddon Books (West Jefferson, NC), 1999.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) Are We Living in the End Times?, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1999.
(With wife, Beverly LaHaye, and Mike Yorkey) The Act of Marriage after Forty: Making Love for Life, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2000.
(Editor) Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible: King James Version, Armageddon Books (West Jefferson, NC), 2000.
(With David Noebel) Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millennium, Word (Nashville, TN), 2001.
(With Bob DeMoss) The Mind Siege Project, Word (Nashville, TN), 2001.
Why Christians Should Study Bible Prophecy, World Prophetic Ministry (Colton, CA), 2001.
(With Bob DeMoss) All the Rave ("Soul Survivor" series), W Publishing (Nashville, TN), 2001.
(With Thomas Ice) Charting the End Times, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2001.
(With Ed Hindson) Seduction of the Heart: How to Guard and Keep your Heart from Evil, W Publishing (Colorado Springs, CO), 2001.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) Perhaps Today: Living Every Day in the Light of Christ's Return, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 2001.
(With Bob DeMoss) Last Dance ("Soul Survivor" series), W Publishing (Nashville, TN), 2002.
The Merciful God of Prophecy: His Loving Plan for You in the End Times, Warner (New York, NY), 2002.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins and Norman B. Rohrer) These Will Not Be Left Behind: Incredible Stories of Lives Transformed after Reading the "Left Behind" Novels, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 2003.
(Editor, with Thomas Ice), The End Times Controversy, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2003.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) The Promise of Heaven, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2003.
The Rapture, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2003.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) God Always Keeps His Promises, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2003.
(With Bob DeMoss) Black Friday ("Soul Survivor" series), W Publishing (Nashville, TN), 2003.
(With Greg Dinallo) Babylon Rising, Bantam Books (New York, NY), 2003.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) Jesus and the Hope of His Coming, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2004.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry) A Kid's Guide to Understanding the End Times, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2004.
(With Jerry B. Jenkins) Jesus Is Coming Soon, Harvest House (Eugene, OR), 2004.
Additional topics
Brief BiographiesBiographies: C(hristopher) J(ohn) Koch Biography - C.J. Koch comments: to Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard Lovell (1913– ) BiographyTim(othy) F. LaHaye (1926-) Biography - Writings, Sidelights - Personal, Career, Honors Awards, Adaptations