Kieran Doherty (1945-) Biography
Personal, Career, Member, Honors Awards, Writings, Work in Progress, Sidelights
Born 1945, in Chicago, IL; Politics: Democrat. Religion: Episcopal.
Writer. Formerly worked as a journalist. American Writers and Artists Institute, Delray Beach, FL, copywriter and mentor, 1998–.
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
Honors Awards
Voice of Youth Advocate Award for teen fiction, 2004.
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, Enslow Publishers (Springfield, NJ), 1998.
William Penn: Quaker Colonist, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1998.
Puritans, Pilgrims, and Merchants: Founders of the Northeastern Colonies, Oliver Press (Minneapolis, MN), 1999.
Soldiers, Cavaliers, and Planters: Settlers of the Southeastern Colonies, Oliver Press (Minneapolis, MN), 1999.
William Bradford: Rock of Plymouth, Twenty-first Century Books (Brookfield, CT), 1999.
Explorers, Missionaries, and Trappers: Trailblazers of the West, Oliver Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2000.
Ranchers, Homesteaders, and Traders: Frontiersmen of the South-Central States, Oliver Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2001.
To Conquer Is to Live: The Life of Captain John Smith of Jamestown, Twenty-first Century Books (Brookfield, CT), 2001.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas: Guardian of the 'Glades, Twenty-first Century Books (Brookfield, CT), 2002.
Andrew Jackson: America's Seventh President, Children's Press (New York, NY), 2003.
Voyageurs, Lumberjacks, and Farmers: Pioneers of the Midwest, Oliver Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2004.
William Howard Taft: America's 27th President, Children's Press (New York, NY), 2004.
Ronald Reagan: America's 40th President, Children's Press (New York, NY), 2005.
John F. Kennedy: America's 35th President, Children's Press (New York, NY), 2005.
Contributor to periodicals; author of scripts for travel documentaries.
Work in Progress
Sea Venture Saga: A Story of Shipwreck, Murder, and Survival in Bermuda and Jamestown Virginia (adult nonfiction), 2007.
Writer Kieran Doherty is the author of both biographies and nonfiction books suitable for children and young-adult readers. A former journalist, Doherty moved into
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients includes the biographies of Vice Admiral John Bulkeley and ten other notable Americans who have served in the nation's military.
Voyageurs, Lumberjacks, and Farmers provides readers with a general history of the European exploration of North America, was well as noting the importance that eight core individuals played in settling the Midwest: Antoine Cadillac in founding Detroit, Michigan; Charles Langlade in Wisconsin; Jean du Sable in Chicago; George Rogers Clark in Indiana; Rufus Putnam in Ohio; Julien Dubuque in Iowa; and Josiah and Abigail Snelling in Minnesota. Doherty delves into each founder's background as well as the inspiration that motivated these individuals' explorations. In addition, the author discusses the effects these European settlers had on Native American inhabitants and the relationships that were subsequently fostered between the two groups. A combination of black-and-white illustrations and photographs serve to depict the tough terrains of America's unsettled middle west and the harsh, day-to-day realities faced by westward-bound settlers. Lana Miles wrote in School Library Journal that, "Written in a lively manner, this volume offers readers good information and good reading."
Ranchers, Homesteaders, and Traders follows a similar format in describing the lives of seven colorful individuals who helped settle the south-central United States and in some cases have become part of the fabric of American legend: Stephen Austin and Sam Houston, both of Texas; Jenry de Tonty of Arkansas; Auguste Chouteau of Missouri; Daniel Boone of Kentucky; John Sevier of Tennessee; and Eli Thayer of Kansas. Each of these men "come alive" through Doherty's use of quotes, either from the subjects themselves or from the men and women who knew them, noted Miles in another School Library Journal review. Roger Leslie, writing in Booklist, dubbed Ranchers, Homesteaders, and Traders "an excellent resource."
Biographical and Critical Sources
Booklist, March 15, 1998, Shelle Rosenfeld, review of Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, p. 1231; November 15, 1998, Carolyn Phelan, review of William Penn: Quaker Colonist, p. 576; August, 1999, Carolyn Phelan, review of Soldiers, Cavaliers, and Planters: Settlers of the Southeastern Colonies, p. 2050; August, 1999, Carolyn Phelan, review of Puritans, Pilgrims, and Merchants: Founders of the Northeastern Colonies, p. 2050; December 1, 1999, Todd Morning, review of William Bradford: Rock of Plymouth, p. 691; May 1, 2002, Roger Leslie, review of Ranchers, Homesteaders, and Traders: Frontiersmen of the South-Central States, p. 1516.
Maclean's, June 22, 1981, Brendan Keenan, "An Uneasy Balance, a Harder Irish Line," p. 22.
School Library Journal, January, 1999, Marilyn Heath, review of William Penn, p. 138; October, 1999, Lynn W. Zimmerman, review of Soldiers, Cavaliers, and Planters, p. 167; January, 2000, Elaine Fort Weischedel, review of William Bradford, p. 142; January, 2000, Elaine Fort Weischedel, review of Puritans, Pilgrims, and Merchants, p. 142; May, 2000, Mary Mueller, review of Explorers, Missionaries, and Trappers: Trailblazers of the West, p. 180; December, 2001, Laura Glaser, review of To Conquer Is to Live: The Life of Captain John Smith of Jamestown, p. 158; January, 2002, Lana Miles, review of Ranchers, Homesteaders, and Traders, p. 152; December, 2002, Patricia Ann Owens, review of Marjory Stoneman Douglas: Guardian of the 'Glades, p. 158; September, 2004, Lana Miles, review of Voyageurs, Lumberjacks, and Farmers: Pioneers of the Midwest, p. 225.
Science Books & Films, May, 2003, review of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, p. 114.
Social Education, May, 2000, review of William Bradford, p. 5.
Voice of Youth Advocates, August, 1998, review of Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, p. 218; August, 2003, review of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, p. 245.
Kieran Doherty Home Page, (August 10, 2005).
Additional topics
- Craig A. Doherty (1951–) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Writings, Sidelights
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