Lise (E.) Hull (1954-)
Given name is pronounced "Lee-sa"; born 1954, in Teaneck, NJ; married Marvin W. Hull (a Lise Hull naval master chief machinist's mate), 1993. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Franklin and Marshall College, B.A., 1976; Indiana University, M.P.A., 1981; National University (Sacramento, CA), M.A. (counseling psychology; with distinction), 1991; University of Wales—Aberystwyth, M.A. (heritage studies; with distinction), 2001.
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: James Heneghan (1930-) Biography - Personal to Rick Jacobson Biography - PersonalLise (E.) Hull (1954-) Biography - Personal, Writings, Sidelights - Career, Member, Work in Progress