Barbara M. Libby
Born 1947, in Kearny, NJ; married Mort Libby Barbara M. Libby (a businessman), September 26, 1980; stepEducation: Pratt Institute, B.F. A., 1970; also attended courses at Baltimore Institute of Art, University of Cincinnati, Art Academy of Cincinnati, and workshops with Uri Shulevitz, Marcia Brown, and Marion Dane Bauer. Hobbies and other interests: Environmental issues, children's literacy, dog training.
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: C(hristopher) J(ohn) Koch Biography - C.J. Koch comments: to Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard Lovell (1913– ) BiographyBarbara M. Libby Biography - Personal, Sidelights - Addresses, Career, Member, Honors Awards, Writings, Work in Progress