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Alan Horsfield (1939-)


School teacher in New South Wales, 1960-70; deputy master, deputy principal, and acting principal at schools in Australia, 1970-79; Bambusi St. International School, Papua, New Guinea, principal, 1980-81; Mandang International School, Papua, New Guinea, principal, 1982-87; classroom teacher, New South Wales, 1988; The Emanuel School, Randwick, assistant head of primary, 1989, head of primary, 1990-94; Children's Book Council, New South Wales, development officer, 1994-97; University of New South Wales, English and math research officer, 1998-99; writer, 2000—.

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Brief BiographiesBiographies: James Heneghan (1930-) Biography - Personal to Rick Jacobson Biography - PersonalAlan Horsfield (1939-) Biography - Career, Sidelights - Personal, Member, Writings