Tony Bradman (1954-) Biography
Personal, Addresses, Career, Member, Writings, Adaptations, Sidelights
Born 1954, in London, England; Education: Queen's College, Cambridge, M.A. (with honors). Hobbies and other interests: Sports, cinema, reading.
Agent—Pat White, Rogers Coleridge & White, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 10N, England.
Full time author, 1987—. Music Week magazine, chief sub-editor, c. 1978; Parents magazine, United Kingdom edition, deputy editor, 1979-87; writer. Has worked variously as a reviewer of specialist children's books, magazines, and national press. Founder, Best Books for Babies children's book award; served as a judge for other awards; regularly visits schools to read from his own works.
British Society of Authors, International PEN (English Centre).
A Kiss on the Nose (poetry), illustrated by Sumiko, Heinemann (London, England), 1984.
The Bad Babies' Counting Book, illustrated by Debbie van der Beek, Knopf (New York, NY), 1985.
John Lennon, illustrated by Karen Heywood, Hamish Hamilton (London, England), 1985.
One Nil, illustrated by Gary Wing, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1985, illustrated by Jon Riley, Puffin, 1987.
Let's Pretend, illustrated by Susan Hellard, Macdonald (London, England), 1985.
The Bad Babies' Book of Colors, illustrated by Debbie van der Beek, Knopf (New York, NY), 1986.
See You Later, Alligator, illustrated by Colin Hawkins, Dial (New York, NY), 1986.
At the Park, illustrated by Susan Hellard, Macdonald (London, England), 1986.
Hide and Seek, illustrated by Susan Hellard, Macdonald (London, England), 1986.
Play Time, illustrated by Susan Hellard, Macdonald (London, England), 1986.
Through My Window, illustrated by Eileen Browne, Silver Burdett (New York, NY), 1986.
The Lonely Little Mole (based on a story by Paule Alen), illustrated by Myriam Deru, Blackie (London, England), 1986.
Night-Time, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Methuen (London, England), 1986.
Will You Read Me a Story?, Thorsons (London, England), 1986.
Baby's Best Book, illustrated by Lisa Kopper, Harper (New York, NY), 1987.
The Baby's Bumper Book, illustrated by Lisa Kopper, Methuen (London, England), 1987.
The Bad Babies' Book of Months, illustrated by Debbie van der Beek, Piccadilly (London, England), 1987.
Smile, Please!, illustrated by Jean Baylis, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1987.
I Need a Book!, Thorsons (London, England), 1987.
The Little Cakemaker and the Greedy Magician (based on a story by Paule Alen), illustrated by Myriam Deru, Blackie (London, England), 1987.
Look out, He's behind You!, illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain, Putnam (New York, NY), 1988.
Wait and See, illustrated by Eileen Browne, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England), 1988.
Not like That, like This!, illustrated by Joanna Burroughes, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England), 1988.
Bedtime, illustrated by Lisa Kopper, Methuen (London, England), 1988.
The Cuddle, illustrated by Lisa Kopper, Methuen (London, England), 1988.
Our Cat, illustrated by Lisa Kopper, Methuen (London, England), 1988.
All Together Now! (poetry), illustrated by J. Park, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1989.
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?, illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain, Aladdin (New York, NY), 1989.
Bub, Corgi (London, England), 1989.
Gary and the Magic Cat, Hodder & Stoughton (London, England), 1989, published as The Magic Cat, 1992.
Tracey's Wish, Hamish Hamilton (London, England), 1989.
The Sandal: A Story, illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier, Anderson (London, England), 1989, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1990.
This Little Baby, illustrated by Jenny Williams, Putnam (New York, NY), 1990.
Michael, illustrated by Tony Ross, Anderson (London, England), 1990, Macmillan (New York, NY), 1991.
Let's Go, Ben, Dent (London, England), 1990.
Gerbil Crazy, Viking (New York, NY), 1990.
Miranda the Magnificent, Ladybird (Loughborough, England), 1990.
In a Minute, illustrated by Eileen Browne, Methuen (London, England), 1990.
(Reteller) The Ugly Duckling, Methuen (London, England), 1990.
(Reteller) The Gingerbread Man, Methuen (London, England), 1991.
(Reteller) Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Methuen (London, England), 1991.
(Reteller) The Little Red Hen, Methuen (London, England), 1991.
Five Minutes More!, Collins (London, England), 1991.
Morning, Collins (London, England), 1991.
That's Not a Fish!, illustrated by Susie Jenkins-Pearce, Dent (London, England), 1991.
Tommy Niner and the Planet of Danger, Viking (New York, NY), 1991.
Billy and the Baby, illustrated by Jan Lewis, Barron's (New York, NY), 1992.
It Came from Outer Space, illustrated by Carol Wright, Dial (New York, NY), 1992.
Has Anyone Seen Jack?, illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1992.
Frankie Makes a Friend, illustrated by S. Holleyman, Anderson (London, England), 1992.
My Family, illustrated by Madeleine Baker, Collins (London, England), 1992.
My Little Baby Brother, illustrated by Madeleine Baker, Collins (London, England), 1992.
That's Not My Cat!, illustrated by Jean Baylis, Collins (London, England), 1992.
Wally's New Face, illustrated by Jean Baylis, Collins (London, England), 1992.
Winnie's New Broom, illustrated by Jean Baylis, Collins (London, England), 1992.
A Bad Week for the Three Bears, illustrated by Jenny Williams, Random House, 1993.
The Invaders, illustrated by Mark Burgess, Blackie (London, England), 1993.
Tommy Niner and the Mystery Spaceship, illustrated by Martin Chatterton, Viking (New York, NY), 1994.
Night Night, Ben!, Dent (London, England), 1994.
Two Minute Puppy Tales, illustrated by Kim Blundell, Ladybird (Loughborough, England), 1994.
A Goodnight Kind of Feeling, illustrated by Clive Scruton, Holiday House (New York, NY), 1998.
Daddy's Lullaby, illustrated by Jason Cockcroft, Margaret K. McElderry (New York, NY), 2002.
The Magnificent Mummies, illustrated by Martin Chatterton, Crabtree (New York, NY), 2002.
Midnight in Memphis (sequel to The Magnificent Mummies), illustrated by Martin Chatterton and Ann Chatterton, Crabtree (New York, NY), 2002.
Under Pressure ("Hawks" series), Corgi (London, England), 2002.
Bad Boys ("Hawks" series), Corgi (London, England), 2003.
Skin Deep (short stories), Puffin (London, England), 2004.
Dilly the Dinosaur, Piccadilly (London, England), 1985, Puffin (New York, NY), 1986.
Dilly Visits the Dentist, Piccadilly (London, England), 1986, published as Dilly Goes to the Dentist, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1986.
Dilly Tells the Truth, Piccadilly (London, England), 1986, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1988.
Dilly and the Horror Film, Piccadilly (London, England), 1987, published as Dilly and the Horror Movie, Puffin (New York, NY), 1987.
Dilly's Muddy Day, Methuen (London, England), 1987.
Dilly and the Tiger, Piccadilly (London, England), 1988.
Dilly, Piccadilly (London, England), 1988.
Dilly and the Ghost, Piccadilly (London, England), 1989.
Dilly Dinosaur, Superstar, Piccadilly (London, England), 1989.
Dilly Speaks Up, Piccadilly (London, England), 1990, Viking (New York, NY), 1991.
Dilly Goes on Holiday, Piccadilly (London, England), 1990.
Dilly the Angel, Piccadilly (London, England), 1990.
Dilly and His Swamp Lizard, Piccadilly (London, England), 1991.
Dilly and the Big Kids, Piccadilly (London, England), 1991.
Dilly's Birthday Party, Piccadilly (London, England), 1991.
Dilly Goes to School, Piccadilly (London, England), 1992.
Dilly and the Pirates, Piccadilly (London, England), 1993.
Dilly—The Worst Day Ever, Piccadilly (London, England), 1993.
Dilly Goes Swamp Wallowing, Mammoth (London, England), 1994.
Dilly, Dinosaur Detective, Heinemann (London, England), 1994.
Daisy and the Babysitter, Methuen (London, England), 1986.
Daisy and the Crying Baby, Methuen (London, England), 1986.
Daisy and the Washing Machine, Methuen (London, England), 1986.
Daisy Goes Swimming, Methuen (London, England), 1986.
Daisy Feels Ill, Methuen (London, England), 1988.
Daisy Goes to Playgroup, Methuen (London, England), 1988.
Adventure on Skull Island, Piccadilly (London, England), 1988, Barron's (New York, NY), 1990.
Mystery at Musket Bay, Piccadilly (London, England), 1989, Barron's (New York, NY), 1990.
Contest at Cutlass Cove, Piccadilly (London, England), 1990.
Search for the Saucy Sally, Piccadilly (London, England), 1990.
Peril at the Pirate School, Barron's (New York, NY), 1990.
Revenge at Ryan's Reef, Barron's (New York, NY), 1991.
Sam, the Girl Detective, Yearling (New York, NY), 1989.
The Cash Box Caper, Yearling (New York, NY), 1990.
The Case of the Missing Mummy, Yearling (New York, NY), 1990.
The Secret of the Seventh Candle, Yearling (New York, NY), 1992.
The Great Rock 'n' Roll Ransom, Yearling (New York, NY), 1994.
The Magic Kiss, illustrated by Alan Marks, Blackie (London, England), 1987.
Animals like Us, illustrated by Madeleine Baker, Blackie (London, England), 1987.
The Mad Family, illustrated by Madeleine Baker, Blackie (London, England), 1987.
The Best of Friends, Blackie (London, England), 1988.
What a Wonderful Day, Blackie (London, England), 1988.
Things That Go, Blackie (London, England), 1989.
You're Late, Dad, Methuen (London, England), 1989.
That Spells Magic, Penguin (New York, NY), 1989.
The Parents' Book of Bedtime Stories, Viking Kestrel (New York, NY), 1990.
Love Them, Hate Them, Methuen (London, England), 1991.
Our Side of the Playground, illustrated by Kim Palmer, Bodley Head (London, England), 1991.
Hissing Steam and Whistles Blowing, Puffin (New York, NY), 1991.
Good Sports!, illustrated by Riley, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1992.
A Stack of Story Poems, illustrated by Tony Blundell, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1992.
Amazing Adventure Stories, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1994.
Fantastic Space Stories, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1994.
The Kingfisher Treasury of Pirate Stories, illustrated by Tony Ross, Kingfishers (Boston, MA), 1999.
The Orchard Anthology of Swords, Sorcerers, and Super-heroes, illustrated by Tony Ross, Orchard (London, England), 2004.
The Essential Father, Unwin (London, England), 1985.
So You Want to Have a Baby?, Julia MacRae (London, England), 1985.
Reading for Enjoyment, 0-6, 6th edition, Baker Book Services, 1989.
Also author of Project Nemesis (online feature), published on Puffin Web site. Contributor of reviews to various periodicals, including London Daily Telegraph.
Many of the "Dilly" books have been adapted to audio cassette; the series has been adapted for television.
Tony Bradman was a vigorous campaigner for children's books long before he started writing them. As deputy editor of Parents magazine, he started the children's book-review pages and instigated the Parents Best Book for Babies award. He is now a full-time writer and the best word to describe his output is prolific. Having children of his own coupled with his vast experience as a children's book reviewer have greatly contributed to Bradman's success; in 1994 he was named one of England's top ten children's authors, based on the number of his books circulated at libraries.
Bradman is best known for his humorous, often irreverent, stories and poetry books for children. For instance, a few of Bradman's earliest books for younger children center on what the author jokingly calls "bad babies." The Bad Babies' Counting Book features increasing numbers of mischievous toddlers jumping on beds, turning over breakfast plates, and taking baths. Bradman employs a similar format, with simple rhymes describing everyday mishaps, in The Bad Babies' Book of Colors. While some reviewers faulted the books' failing to distinguish between bad babies and bad behavior, other critics believed that small children will enjoy seeing themselves and their behavior in print while learning simple concepts from these books. Also for the youngest of children is This Little Baby, a rhyming book that borrows the cadence of the nursery rhyme beginning "This little piggy." Zena Sutherland praised the book in the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books for its "uncommon touch of a househusband capably managing the flurry and chaos of childcare," while Booklist writer Denise M. Wilms termed it "an affectionate portrayal of life with very young children."
Bradman's first series of storybooks features Dilly the Dinosaur, a demanding young fellow who is always causing trouble for his older sister and his parents. The four stories in Dilly the Dinosaur reveal Dilly refusing to take a bath, throwing a tantrum at his sister's birthday party, looking for cats and dogs to rain down from the sky as his father predicted, and painting his room, all told from the perspective of Dorla, Dilly's sister. Betsy Hearne, writing in the Bulletin for the Center of Children's Books, felt that children will identify with Dilly and Dorla's experiences, remarking that "the details of child life are acutely rendered." In Dilly and the Horror Movie, Bradman presents four more stories, and while School Library Journal reviewer Mary Lou Budd found Dilly's tantrums repetitive, she added that "the stories are smoothly told with a manageable vocabulary."
In Dilly Speaks Up, written for a younger audience, Dorla takes Dilly shopping but will not let him have any say in what goes on all day, even answering questions directed at him. Dilly gets his revenge when he answers his mother's question to Dorla—of course she would like to take Dilly out again. School Library Journal contributor Jane Marino wrote that "the banter between the siblings rings true," and a Kirkus reviewer called the book "Predictable, but fun and sure to please." Bradman's "Dilly" books have pleased so many children in England they were adapted for television.
Bradman has also written picture books, and he has based his work on both realistic stories and fairy tales. Two realistic books feature Jo and her parents, a mixed-race couple; in Wait and See, Jo's indecision about how to spend her shopping money comes in handy when her mother realizes she left her wallet at home and must borrow Jo's money to mail a package to Granny. Through My Window tells of how Jo stays home from school with a fever, is taken care of by her father, and anxiously watches out the window for her mother to come home from work with a promised surprise. More in the fairy-tale genre, A Bad Week for the Three Bears takes its premise from a long-treasured children's folk-tale, imagining Goldilocks' visit as the culmination of a week-long series of disasters for the three bears, including burned batches of porridge, bouts of the flu, and bad report cards. And Look out, He's behind You! retells the story of Little Red Riding Hood in a lift-the-flap format, and emphasizes spatial concepts and observation skills over elements of the original tale. Many reviewers have noted in particular the humor of Bradman's rendering; a reviewer for Publishers Weekly concluded that "the irreverence will appeal to children as much as the lift-the-flap concept does."
Bradman has written several books for young readers featuring school scenes. In Michael, the title character is known by his teachers as "the worst boy in the school" because he is often late, doesn't pay attention, and is disruptive. But what the teachers do not realize is that Michael is more interested in reading about and making a rocket than in following their rules. While some reviewers were troubled by Michael's unsympathetic teachers and wondered whether building a rocket justified his bad behavior, a Publishers Weekly contributor praised the humor in Bradman's understated, dead-pan narrative, adding "children will find [Michael] perfectly endearing." In It Came from Outer Space Bradman provides an unusual ending to a story of an alien who crashes through the roof of a classroom and spends the day with the children. Marge Loch-Wouters in School Library Journal called the book a "gentle lesson on beauty, ugliness, and acceptance," while a reviewer for Publishers Weekly described it as "a terrific choice to share with the early elementary set."
Other examples of Bradman's picture books include Billy and the Baby, which a Publishers Weekly critic praised for its "fine dry wit" in telling a story about a young boy adjusting to a new sibling. Not like That, like This! is Bradman's humorous story of a father who tells his son not to put his head through the bars of the fence at the park and, by demonstrating what he means, ends up getting his own head stuck. This comic scenario, emphasizing that everyone makes mistakes, is the set-up for a counting book that a reviewer for Growing Point, found "totally real, engaging and amusing." See You Later, Alligator utilizes pull-tabs to bring to life the story of Alligator who, in pursuit of Mouse, inadvertently eats Snake, Lion, and Monkey before Hippo comes to the rescue. Susan Scheps wrote in School Library Journal that See You Later, Alligator is "designed to delight and entertain, and it serves this purpose quite nicely."
According to a reviewer for Junior Bookshelf, with The Sandal "Bradman has devised a neat introduction to the value and fascination of archaeology." In this three-part story, a little girl in 77 B.C. loses her sandal, which appears in a museum in contemporary times, viewed by a family with a little girl who loses her own sandal, which appears in a museum in 2250.
In 1988 Bradman created a lighthearted series of chapter books for young readers featuring The Bluebeards, a pirate family marooned on a desert island. Junior Bookshelf dubbed the first in the series, Adventure on Skull Island, a "jolly and irreverent book for the under nines"; of the second, Mystery at Musket Bay, the reviewer
A flying saucer crashes into the Mummy family's pyramid and leaves them with a rock star suffering from amnesia in the beginning-reader adventure Midnight in Memphis. (Written by
commented: "The tongue-in-cheek tone works well as does the quick-fire action." Humor also plays a great part in Bradman's two collections of poetry for young children, which feature simple rhymes about daily occurrences in the lives of small children. Times Literary Supplement reviewer Alan Franks described the first, A Kiss on the Nose, as "a sort of Life in the Day of a subversive toddler, far removed from cosiness." Similarly, about All Together Now!, a reviewer for Junior Bookshelf concluded: "younger juniors will probably be carried along by the fun of the subject matter."
Bradman does not shy away from exotic characters. His "Tommy Niner" books feature a spaceboy, and two of his picture books for reluctant readers are about a mummy family. Blasting off into space in his spaceship, the Stardust, with his father and grandfather, on some exciting mission to find missing spaceships, or up against the galaxy's most wanted criminal, Tommy's adventures keep reluctant readers engaged. In The Magnificent Mummies and Midnight in Memphis, Mommy and Daddy Mummy and their two children Tut and Sis handle strange visitors—whether it's a local archaeologist (whom they invite in for dinner) or some aliens who drop off an Earth man with no memory of who he is. John Peters of Booklist called Midnight in Memphis a "zany" escapade.
Several of Bradman's books are excellent goodnight books. A Goodnight Kind of Feeling describes how a kitten has a very busy day with his family, experiencing all the best kind of feelings a day can offer. After all the fun, the kitten is ready to be tucked in at night with that "goodnight kind of feeling." Helen Rosenberg in Booklist called the story "perfect bedtime reading," and a critic for Publishers Weekly wrote that the day's joy is "cozily defined in the rhyming text." With Daddy's Lullaby, Bradman returns to a more realistic setting, telling the story of a father who comes home late to discover that all of his family is asleep—except the cat and the baby. When the father discovers his youngest still awake, the two of them walk around the house to see the rest of the sleeping family, finally coming downstairs where the father sings a lullaby. The two fall asleep together and are discovered by their family the next morning. "This slice of life is simply told," wrote Helen Foster James in School Library Journal, while Todd Morning added in Booklist that Daddy's Lullaby "effectively conveys a peaceful family moment." A critic for Kirkus Reviews labeled the tale "a loving valentine to young fathers everywhere."
In 2002 Bradman turned his talents to novels for older readers when he started the "Hawks" series. The Hawks are an elite youth soccer team, and every year they take a group of thirteen-year-old boys on as players. Success can mean prestige—but the failure rate is high. Under Pressure follows the stories of Craig and Darren. Craig's father sees his son's position with the Hawks as a sure way to make money, whether or not it's good for his son. Darren sees the financial benefits as well; if he succeeds, he can help provide for his family. In Bad Boys the focus is on Lee and Ben, two team members who find themselves facing difficult decisions. Ben struggles to fit in, even if it means doing what he knows is wrong. Lee fights for his own independence, sometimes making the wrong choices while trying to do things his way. The "Hawks" series is designed to appeal to reluctant readers, especially younger boys; as Bradman explained to an interviewer for Kids at Random House online, people had been asking him to write a series like it for years. "I decided I'd have a go, and I had the idea of writing about a youth team at a fictional professional football club, an academy," Bradman explained, continuing, "I certainly enjoyed doing it, and I hope they enjoy it too!"
Demonstrating his versatility and expertise in the field of children's publishing, Bradman has also served as an editor or selector on several anthologies of stories for children. The Magic Kiss features different versions of several fairy-tale scenarios, including a princess who rescues her prince only to decide she'd rather marry his captor. The result, according to a reviewer for the Junior Bookshelf, is an "interesting selection" that provides "a fresh look at the fairy tale." Bradman's Love Them, Hate Them features stories centering on relationships between siblings. A writer for Junior Bookshelf praised the realistic themes and commonplace experiences depicted in the book's stories, calling Love Them, Hate Them "another satisfying and highly readable collection." Along with fairy tales and short stories, Bradman brought out The Kingfisher Treasury of Pirate Stories, which features excerpts from classics such as Peter Pan and Treasure Island, alongside the work of modern writers such as John Scieszka, Joan Aiken, and Margaret Mahy. Readers "will find plenty to amuse them in this varied collection," assured Carolyn Phelan in her review for Booklist.
Bradman once told SATA: "I never seriously wanted to be anything other than an author, mostly because I spent large parts of a fairly solitary childhood lost in fantasy games and books. But it wasn't until I became a parent myself that I discovered my true vocation: being a children's author. I see my job now as providing quality entertainment with popular appeal—and if I can make my reader laugh, and perhaps think a little too, then I feel I've done what I set out to achieve.
"Writing is extremely hard work, but deeply satisfying when it goes well—and I agree with Raymond Chandler, who said: 'The only salvation for a writer is to write. If there is anything good in him, it will come out.' So even in my darker moods, when the plots won't come right, or the lines won't sing, I look at the books I've already written, think of some of the many letters I've had from kids, and say to myself: 'You're not too bad…'"
Biographical and Critical Sources
Booklist, September 15, 1990, Denise Wilms, review of This Little Baby, p. 170; June 1, 1998, Helen Rosenberg, review of A Goodnight Kind of Feeling, p. 1777; July, 1999, Carolyn Phelan, review of A Treasury of Pirate Stories, p. 1947; April 15, 2002, Todd Morning, review of Daddy's Lullaby, p. 1406; May 1, 2002, John Peters, review of Midnight in Memphis, p. 1531.
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, September, 1987, Betsy Hearne, review of Dilly the Dinosaur, p. 4; October, 1988, pp. 27-28; November, 1990, Zena Sutherland, review of This Little Baby, p. 55.
Growing Point, November, 1988, review of Not like That, like This!, p. 5070.
Junior Bookshelf, June, 1985, p. 117; October, 1987, review of The Magic Kiss, p. 220; February, 1989, review of Adventure on Skull Island, p. 18; October, 1989, review of The Sandal, p. 211; October, 1989, review of All Together Now! and Mystery at Musket Bay, p. 222; August, 1991, review of Love Them, Hate Them, p. 15.
Kirkus Reviews, June 1, 1988, p. 823; May 15, 1991, review of Dilly Speaks Up, p. 668; April 15, 2002, review of Daddy's Lullaby, p. 563.
Publishers Weekly, June 27, 1986, pp. 86-87; September 26, 1987, p. 78; August 26, 1988, review of Look out, He's behind You!, p. 86; October 14, 1988; February 9, 1990, p. 58; January 4, 1991, review of Michael, p. 71; December 20, 1991, review of It Came from Outer Space, p. 82; August 31, 1992, review of Billy and the Baby, p. 77; May 17, 1993; April 20, 1998, review of A Goodnight Kind of Feeling, p. 65.
School Library Journal, December, 1986, p. 80; January, 1987, p. 58; February, 1987, Susan Scheps, review of See You Later, Alligator, p. 64; September, 1987, p. 160; March, 1988, p. 158; February, 1989, pp. 65-66; March, 1989, p. 154; August, 1989, Mary Lou Budd, review of Dilly and the Horror Movie, pp. 114, 116; May, 1990, p. 81; January, 1991, p. 68; March, 1991, p. 168; September, 1991, Jane Marino, review of Dilly Speaks Up, p. 228; March, 1992, Marge Loch-Wouters, review of It Came from Outer Space, p. 209; June, 1998, Martha Topol, review of A Goodnight Kind of Feeling, p. 96; May, 2002, Helen Foster James, review of Daddy's Lullaby, p. 105; July, 2002, Laura Scott, review of The Magnificent Mummies, p. 83; August, 2002, Kathleen Simonetta, review of Midnight in Memphis, p. 146.
Sunday Times (London, England), January 9, 1994, p. 18.
Times Literary Supplement, November 30, 1984, p. 1380; December 26, 1986, Alan Franks, "The Subversive Element," p. 1458.
English PEN Web site, (March 25, 2004).
Kids at Random House, (March 25, 2004), interview with Bradman.
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