Penny Dale (1954-) Biography
Career, SidelightsPersonal, Addresses, Honors Awards, Writings
Born 1954, in London, England; Education: Attended Bristol Polytechnic, 1972-73; Exeter College of Art and Design, B.A., 1977. Hobbies and other interests: Gardening, swimming, entertaining, books, and art.
Agent—c/o Author Mail, Candlewick Press, 2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140.
Kate Greenaway Medal shortlist, 1988, for Wake Up, Mr. B!, and 1990, for Rosie's Babies; Best Book for Babies Award, 1990, for Rosie's Babies; Oppenheim Toy Penny Dale Portfolio Gold award, 2001, for Night, Night Cuddly Bear, and 2002, for Ten in the Bed; Boston Globe-Horn Book Award (fiction and poetry category), 2003, for The Jamie and Angus Stories, written by Anne Fine.
Bet You Can't!, Lippincott (New York, NY), 1987.
Ten in the Bed, Discovery Toys (Martinez, CA), 1988.
Wake Up, Mr. B!, Discovery Toys (Martinez, CA), 1988.
The Elephant Tree, Putnam (New York, NY), 1991.
All about Alice, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1992.
Ten Out of Bed, Walker (London, England), 1993, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1994.
Daisy Rabbit's Tree House, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1995.
Big Brother, Little Brother, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1997.
Ten Play Hide-and-Seek, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1998.
Princess, Princess, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 2003.
David Lloyd, The Stopwatch, Lippincott (New York, NY), 1986.
Martin Waddell, Once There Were Giants, Delacorte (New York, NY), 1989.
Martin Waddell, Rosie's Babies, Discovery Toys (Martinez, CA), 1990.
Simon Frazer, The Mushroom Hunt, Walker (London, England), 1994, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1995.
Martin Waddell, When the Teddy Bears Came, Walker (London, England), 1994, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1995.
William Mayne, In Natalie's Garden, Walker (London, England), 1998.
Robert Louis Stevenson, My Shadow, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 1999.
Martin Waddell, Night Night, Cuddly Bear, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 2000.
Anne Fine, The Jamie and Angus Stories, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 2002.
Additional topics
- Michael J. Daley (1959–) Biography - Personal, Career, Member, Honors Awards, Writings, Sidelights
- Anna Dale (1971–) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Honors Awards, Writings, Adaptations, Sidelights
- Penny Dale (1954-) - Career
- Penny Dale (1954-) - Sidelights
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