Alice Ann Miller (1958-) Biography
Personal, Addresses, Career, Writings, Work in Progress, Sidelights
Born 1958, in Muskegon, MI; Miller, June 13, 1980; Education: Attended Muskegon Community College.
Agent—c/o Author Correspondence, Sleeping Bear Press, 310 N. Main St., Suite 300, Chelsea, MI 48118.
Homemaker, volunteer for church and school activities; writer. Also works as a part-time receptionist.
Treasures of the Heart, Sleeping Bear Press (Chelsea, MI), 2003.
Contributing journalist, TalkCity, Inc., online magazine for children and teens, 1999-2000.
Alice Ann Miller
Work in Progress
Parker Lee, the Frogs and Me, children's book.
Alice Ann Miller told SATA: "I have always enjoyed writing. From the age of ten, I wrote short stories, poetry and began my lifelong journals. I have kept journals as a way of self-expression as well as a record of emotion and experience.
"In addition to my personal journals, I have journals for each of my four children. I began each journal while pregnant with them. These journals have been a wonderful inspiration and source of material for writing short stories and poetry. My children range in age from twelve to twenty-two and I'm still jotting milestones in these books … whether it's the youngest's first day in middle school or the oldest's return from Africa after serving there with the United States Marine Corps.
"My first published poem, 'Autumn,' was written when I was eighteen and living in Maryland. The inspiration came from colors that defied description. I wrote about it as a way to express the emotion I felt from such a beautiful scene.
"The only formal training I've had with writing was an assortment of creative writing and journalism classes throughout high school. I also attended a community college, solely for the writing instruction.
"In November of 1999 I was hired by TalkCity, Inc. as a contributing writer for their online magazine. I wrote exclusively for the 'Kids and Teens' section. I found once again, that my own family was a wonderful source of information and ideas for this endeavor. Due to budget cuts, the assignment was terminated in late 2000.
"It was the success I enjoyed with TalkCity that inspired me to pursue my love of writing. I had never really thought of writing for children until this opportunity.
"Treasures of the Heart came from an experience with my children, as did my second completed manuscript, Parker Lee, the Frogs and Me. I am working on another story, which details a special birthday celebration that a ten-year-old shares with her aging grandfather. In all of my writing, I am inspired by the trusting nature shared among those who share a special bond."
In the picture book Treasures of the Heart, a young boy leads his mother to his bedroom and there reveals to her all his special treasures, including a peach pit, a ball of fluff, and a jar for collecting insects. The boy's aim is to prove to his parent that these things are treasures, and that they should never be thrown away, by accident or otherwise. In School Library Journal, Judith Constantinides described Treasures of the Heart as a "quiet, simple book" that "… is likely to appeal to children."
Biographical and Critical Sources
School Library Journal, August, 2003, Judith Constantinides, review of Treasures of the Heart, p. 139.
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