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Tricia (Tricia Shapiro) Andryszewski (1956-) Biography

Career, SidelightsPersonal, Writings, Work in Progress

Born 1956, in Pittsburgh, PA. Education: Bryn Mawr College, B.A. (with honors) and teaching certificate, 1978; New Jersey Institute of Technology, graduate study in computer science, 1982-83.


The Dust Bowl: Disaster on the Plains, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1993.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas: Friend of the Everglades, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1994.

Immigration: Newcomers and Their Impact on the U.S., Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1995.

The Seminoles: People of the Southeast, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1995.

The Environment and the U.S. Economy, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1995.

What to Do about Nuclear Waste, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1995.

The Amazing Life of Moe Berg, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1995.

Abortion Rights, Options, and Choices, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1996.

"I Have a Dream": The March on Washington, 1963, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1996.

Communities of the Faithful: American Religious Movements outside the Mainstream, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1997.

The Militia Movement in America: Before and after Oklahoma City, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1997.

School Prayer: A History of the Debate, Enslow Publishers (Springfield, NJ), 1997.

Step by Step along the Appalachian Trail, Twenty-First Century Books (Brookfield, CT), 1998.

Step by Step along the Pacific Crest Trail, Twenty-First Century Books (Brookfield, CT), 1998.

Bill Bradley: Scholar, Athlete, Statesman, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 1999.

Gay Rights, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 2000.

Kosovo: The Splintering of Yugoslavia, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 2000.

The Reform Party: Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 2000.

Terrorism in America, Millbrook Press (Brookfield, CT), 2002.


Also author of Bread & Roses, an adult trade book about a Connecticut organization that cares for people with AIDS and their families, unpublished. Contributor of news and historical analyses, brief biographies, and other material to CD-ROM series "Newslines," 1994, and "Broadcast News," some under the name Tricia Shapiro.

Ongoing writing and research projects include Spring Awakening, an adult trade book following spring north from Florida to northern New England, and End of the Rainbow, an adult trade book exploring the legacy and endgame of America's use-it-up-and-move-on way of life, with an eye to a more humane and sustainable future.

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