Joy Cowley (1936-) Biography
Personal, Career, Honors Awards, Writings, Adaptations, Work in Progress, Sidelights
(Cassia Joy Cowley)
Born 1936; Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Spinning, fishing, "other soothing pastimes."
Writer, 1967–. Pharmacists' apprentice in New Zealand, 1953–56.
Honors Awards
New Zealand Buckland Literary Award, 1970, for Man of Straw; New Zealand Literary Achievement Award, 1980; New Zealand AIM Children's Book Awards, Joy Cowley1982, for The Silent One, 1992, for Bow down Shadrach, and 1996, for The Cheese Trap; Children's Book of the Year awards, 1983, for The Silent One, and 1993, for Bow down Shadrach; Russell Clark Award, 1985, for The Duck in the Gun; New Zealand Commemoration Medal, 1990; named to Order of the British Empire, 1992 for services to children's literature; Margaret Mahy Lecture Award, 1993; Women's Suffrage Centennial Medal, 1993; honorary doctorate in literature, Massey University, 1993; named patron, New Zealand Children's Book Foundation, 1994; Best TV Drama Script award, 1994; New Zealand Post Children's Book Award nomination, 2000, for Red-eyed Tree Frog, 2003, for Weta: A Knight in Shining Armor; finalist, Montana New Zealand Book Awards, 2000, for Classical Music; New Zealand Post Children's Book Award, 2001, for Shadrach Girl, and 2002, for Brodie; A.W. Reed Award for Contribution to New Zealand Literature, Montana New Zealand Book Awards, 2004; Joy Cowley Award for Children's Writers established by Children's Literature Foundation.
The Duck in the Gun, illustrated by Edward Sorel, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1969, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1984.
One, Two, Three, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
The Silent One, illustrated by Hermann Greissle, Knopf (New York, NY), 1981, illustrated by Sherryl Jordan, Whitcoulls (Christchurch, New Zealand), 1981.
The Terrible Taniwha of Timberditch, Oxford University Press (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Old Tuatara, illustrated by Clare Bowes, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983, published as Old Lizard, Nelson (London, England), 1985.
Clown and Elephant, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Going to School, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
(With June Melser) What's for Lunch?, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1983.
Silly Old Possum, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
I Am Frightened, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983.
(With June Melser) Hello, illustrated by Madeline Beasley, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990, illustrated by Joanne Cunningham, 1998.
Feet, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983.
(With Mona Williams) Two of a Kind (stories), illustrated by Jane Amos, Blackberry Press (Upper Hutt, New Zealand), 1984.
The Fierce Little Woman and the Wicked Pirate, illustrated by Jo Davies, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1984.
(With Margaret Mahy) Wibble-Wobble, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1984.
(With Margaret Mahy) Ups and Downs, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1984.
Salmagundi, illustrated by Philip Webb, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Brith the Terrible, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986.
Captain Felonius, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1996.
The Lucky Feather, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986.
My Tiger (stories), illustrated by Jan van der Voo, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986.
The King's Pudding, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986.
Mrs. Grindy's Shoes, illustrated by Val Biro, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Turnips for Dinner, illustrated by Jan van der Voo, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986.
Trash!, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Bogle's Card, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Grizzly and the Bumble-Bee, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Mr. Fixit, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
The Train Ride Story, illustrated by Val Biro, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1987, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1988.
Giant on the Bus, illustrated by Ian McNee, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1987.
The Giant Pumpkin, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Ha-Ha Party, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Mom's Diet, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Mishi-na, illustrated by Jeff Fowler, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
A Hundred Hugs, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Boggywooga, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
My Sloppy Tiger Goes to School, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Boring Old Bed, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Secret of Spooky House, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Mom's Birthday, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Letters for Mr. James, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
When Dad Went to Day Care, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Tess and Paddy, illustrated by Jon Davis, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Space Race, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Spider, Spider, illustrated by Michelle Stuart, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Ha-ha Powder, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Just This Once, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Quack, Quack, Quack, illustrated by Jeff Fowler, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Seventy Kilometers from Ice Cream, photographs by Winto Cleal, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1987.
The Sausage Who Ate People, Methuen Australia (North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia), 1987.
Soup, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Greedy Cat Is Hungry, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1988.
The Wild, Woolly Child, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1988.
An Elephant in the House, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1988.
Mrs. Muddle Mud-puddle, illustrated by Mary Davy, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Birthdays, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1988.
I'm Glad to Say, illustrated by Bryan Pollard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1988.
The Fantastic Washing Machine, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Dippy Dinner Drippers, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Little Yellow Chicken, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
In the Middle of the Night, illustrated by Robert Roennfeldt, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Dragon with a Cold, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Person from Planet X, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Silly Billys, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Wedding, illustrated by Mary Davy, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Jojo and the Robot, illustrated by Jo Davies, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Cousin Kira, illustrated by Jill Allpress, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Library Day, illustrated by Deidre Gardiner, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Morning Bath, illustrated by Judy Nelson, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Big Family, illustrated by Betty Greenhatch, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Christmas Dog, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
I Saw a Dinosaur, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1988.
Road Robber, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1988.
Joy Cowley Writes, illustrated by Terry Coles, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Old Woman's Nose, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
A Magician's House, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
The Springtime Rock and Roll, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
When the Cookernup Store Burned Down, illustrated by Mark Sofilas, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Jim's Trumpet, illustrated by John Bennett, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Bogle's Feet, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
The Manly Ferry Pigeon, illustrated by Neil Curtis, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Bunrakkit, illustrated by Mike Wilkin, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Busy Baby, illustrated by Tracey Clark, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
The New Car, illustrated by Lorraine Hannay, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Papa's Spaghetti, illustrated by Marie Low, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
My Bad Mood, illustrated by Ruth Kiel, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
The Royal Baby-Sitters, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Talk, Talk, Talk, illustrated by Deborah Fletcher, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Woolly, Woolly, illustrated by Ian McNee, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989.
The Hat Sale, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989.
When the Moon Was Blue, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1989.
Sloppy Tiger Bedtime, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Sloppy Tiger and the Party, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1989.
Frightened, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Lost and Found, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Man Who Never Told the Truth, illustrated by Dorothea King, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Things I Like, illustrated by Lyn Kriegler, Murdoch Books (North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1990.
The White Horse, illustrated by Fraser Williamson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1990, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
The Cabbage Princess, illustrated by Trevor Pye, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1990, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Yellow Overalls, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1990, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Lost Property, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Heinemann (Oxford, England), 1990.
Grandma's Cane, illustrated by Robyn Kakukiwa, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Water Is My Friend, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Robot Walk, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Park Street Playground, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright(Bothell, WA), 1990.
Mr. Blister, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
I'm Not Just Anybody, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Humpty Dumpty, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Car Care, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Be Careful, Sloppy Tiger!, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Pawprints in the Butter: A Collection of Cats, Mallinson Rendel (Wellington, New Zealand), 1991, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1991.
Bow down Shadrach, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Hodder & Stoughton (Auckland, New Zealand), 1991, Wright Group (Seattle, WA), 1996.
The Baby-Sitters, illustrated by Val Biro, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Jack and the Giant, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Cow in the Hole, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Dinnertime, illustrated by Tracey Moroney, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
My Bike Can Fly, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Elephant Walk, illustrated by Gary Rees, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
I Like Worms!, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Seals, illustrated by Madeline Beasley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Blueberry Pie, illustrated by Celia Canning, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Felonius, Omnibus (Australia), 1992.
Old Malolo Had a Farm, illustrated by Mary Davy, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Cat's Party, illustrated by Jim Storey, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Open Your Mouth!, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Humongous Cat, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
Duck and Hen, illustrated by Tony Stoddard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Music Machine, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Magic Machine, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Morning Queen, illustrated by Kako Sato, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Dancing Fly, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Big Race, illustrated by Mike Wilkin, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Apple, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
The Mouse Box, illustrated by Tracey Moroney, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Flying with Carlos, illustrated by Trevor Pye, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
The Day of the Rain, illustrated by Bob Kerr, Mallinson Rendel (Wellington, New Zealand), 1993, Dominie Press (San Diego, CA), 1996.
The Screaming Mean Machine, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1993.
Annabel, illustrated by Kathleen Garry-McCord, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
The Sing-Song Tree, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Jumbaroo, illustrated by John Gurney, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Major Jump, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
One Stormy Night, illustrated by Kathleen O'Malley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
The Birthday Dog, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Who Spilled the Beans?, illustrated by Diana Magnuson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Goggly Gookers, illustrated by Natalie Carabetta, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Dog and Cat, illustrated by Kristine Bollinger, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
The Hungry Giant's Soup, illustrated by Mary Bausman, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Stolen Food: A Maori Legend, Learning Media, Ministry of Education (Wellington, New Zealand), 1993.
Bag of Smiles, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Greedy Cat's Breakfast, illustrated by Kristine Bollinger, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Gladly Here I Come, Penguin (Harmondsworth, England), 1994, Wright Group (Seattle, WA), 1996.
Beyond the River, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1994.
Song of the River, Wright Group (Seattle, WA), 1994.
Write On, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1994.
Guide for Young Authors, illustrated by Mits Katayama, Wright Group (Seattle, WA), 1994.
The Day of the Snow, illustrated by Bob Kerr, Mallinson Rendel (Wellington, New Zealand), 1994, Dominie Press (San Diego, CA), 1996.
The Sick Girl, illustrated by Gabrielle Stoddard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Ride to Jerusalem, illustrated by Eric Rowe, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Man Who Said "Thank You," illustrated by Eric Rowe, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Loaves and Fishes, illustrated by Jon Davies, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
Jesus' Birthday, illustrated by Roger Payne, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Friends Go Fishing, illustrated by Chris Rothero, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Deep, Deep Sea, illustrated by Terry Rogers, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Children's Friend, illustrated by Roger Payne, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1994.
The Water Boatman, illustrated by Tim Galloway, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1994.
The Shag Goes Fishing, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1994.
Hoiho's Chicks, illustrated by Dean Schneider, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1994.
Ballyhoo!, illustrated by Diana Magnuson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
The Pirate Feast, illustrated by Lydia Taranovic, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
Kitzikuba, illustrated by Sandra Shields, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
Mr. Beekman's Deli, illustrated by Laura Lydecker, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
Cats, Cats, Cats, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
The Meanies Came to School, illustrated by David Lund, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
Water! Water!, illustrated by Jean Pidgeon, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1995.
Tulevai, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
The Happy Hens Series, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
The Day of the Wind, illustrated by Trevor Pye, Mallinson Rendel (Wellington, New Zealand), 1995, Dominie Press (San Diego, CA), 1996.
Mouse Trap, illustrated by Linda McClelland, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1995.
Sea Daughter, Ashton Scholastic (New York, NY), 1995.
The Mouse Bride, paintings by David Christiana, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1995.
The Cheese Trap, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Nicketty-Nacketty-Noo-Noo-Noo, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
(With others) Spring and the Environment, Communication Skill Builders (Tucson, AZ), 1995.
(With others) Me and My World, Communication Skill Builders (Tucson, AZ), 1995.
Joy Cowley Answers Kids' Questions, Scholastic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Monkey Tricks, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Splash!, illustrated by Kathy Creamer, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Hungry Happy Monkey, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Dinosaur, illustrated by Alain Fontaine, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Bears, illustrated by Kathy Creamer, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Space Aliens in Our School, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Pirate's Treasure, illustrated by Farah Lynn, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
My Little Sister, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Dad's Shirt, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Moon, illustrated by Wei Wei, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Grandmother, illustrated by Lean Im Saunders, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Market, illustrated by Kwong Wing Tsan, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Grass Is for Goats, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Giant, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Go to Bed!, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Mom's Hat, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Roller Coaster, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Mr. Wolf, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Zoom! Zoom!, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Happy Monkey in the Shed, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Egg, illustrated by Lean Im Saunders, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
This Is My House, illustrated by Chang Mong Shan, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Five Ducks, illustrated by Lean Im Saunders, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Fans and Umbrellas, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Sky Is Falling Down!, illustrated by Farah Lynn, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Very Strong Baby, illustrated by William Neo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Chicken Feed, illustrated by Noli Hernandez, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Two Ogres, illustrated by Enrico Sallustio, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Emilio and the River, illustrated by Nick Price, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Chocolate-Chip Muffins, illustrated by Sharon Bertschi, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey, illustrated by Joe Cepeda, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1996.
Snake and Lizard, Wright Group (Seattle, WA), 1996.
The Old Truck, illustrated by Val Biro, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
When the Balloon Went Pop!, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Dr. Sprocket Makes a Rocket, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Crossing the Road, illustrated by Rowan Barnes-Murphy, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
The Marvelous Treasure, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
The Zoo Olympics, illustrated by Val Biro, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Auntie Maria and the Cat, illustrated by Mary Davy, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
The Echo, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
The Flea Market, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
The Traveler and the Farmer, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Toot! Toot!, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Help! Help!, illustrated by Wei Wei, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Clever Happy Monkey, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Mrs. Lunch, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Teeter-Totter, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Kites, illustrated by Patrick Yee, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Where Is Happy Monkey?, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Giant's Pizza, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Happy Monkey's Peanuts, illustrated by K. Fred, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
The Motorbike Race, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1996.
Ten Happy Elephants, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Dayton and the Happy Tree, illustrated by Karel Hayes, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Winklepoo the Wicked, illustrated by Celia Canning, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1996.
Along Came Greedy Cat, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1997.
Singing down the Rain, illustrated by Jan Spivey, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1997.
Time for Bed, Little Bear, illustrated by Roberta Collier-Morales, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1997.
The Hitchhikers: Stories, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1997.
Splishy-Sploshy, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1997.
A Froggy Tale, illustrated by Clive Taylor, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Woolly, Woolly, illustrated by Ian McNee, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Baba Yaga, illustrated by Sam Thiewes, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1997.
Run, Run, Run, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Monkey Hop, illustrated by Enrico Sallustio, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Little Bike, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Giant's Rice, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Fireworks, illustrated by Danny Goh, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Asleep, illustrated by Jean Im Saunders, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Tiny Little Woman, illustrated by Yumiko, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Banana Monster, illustrated by Farah Lynn, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Ticket to the Sky Dance, Penguin (Auckland, New Zealand), 1997.
The Taxi, illustrated by Lee Tien Lock, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Oh, No!, illustrated by Danny Goh, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Pond, illustrated by Enrico Sallustio, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Red Balloon, illustrated by Seck Yok Ying, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Naughty Happy Monkey, illustrated by Enrico Sallustio, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Big Boo Bird, illustrated by Geeta Sawhney, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Ants on a Picnic, illustrated by Lean Im Saunders, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Sick Bear, illustrated by Jason Chong, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Six Cats, illustrated by Louis Lee, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Bill and Ted at the Store, illustrated by Choo Hill Ming, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Goodnight!, illustrated by Lee Tian Soon, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Helping, illustrated by Say, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Come to My House, illustrated by Danny Goh, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Uncle Elephant and Uncle Tiger, illustrated by Paul Yong, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Wheel, illustrated by Faisal, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Moon Cake, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Smiling Stan, the Pedicab Man, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The New Road, illustrated by Barry Ng, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Longest Noodle in the World, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Miss Geeta's Hair, illustrated by Geeya Sawhney, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Hurricane, illustrated by Mohamed Hanfiah, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Rules for Pets, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Uncle's Clever Tricks, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
The Watermelon, illustrated by Noli Hernandez, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Swans, illustrated by Nic Bishop, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Grandmother Is Tired, illustrated by Geeta Sawhney, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
What Can Fly?, illustrated by M. Myint, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Costume Party, illustrated by Roy Foo, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Jackets, illustrated by Peter Goh, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1997.
Uncle Joe, illustrated by Dick Frizzell, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1997.
Starbright and the Dream Eater, HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1998.
Big Moon Tortilla, illustrated by Dyanne Strongbow, Boyds Mills Press (Honesdale, PA), 1998.
Riddle-Me-Ree, illustrated by Fraser Williamson, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1998.
A Party, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Rigby (Crystal Lake, IL), 1998.
The Hungry Giant's Birthday Cake, illustrated by Mary Bausman, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Microscope, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Boogie-Woogie Man, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Ice-Cream Stick, illustrated by Brent Putze, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
How to Make a Hot Dog, illustrated by Chris Norfolk, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Look out, Dan, illustrated by Annie Hayward, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Brenda's Birthday, illustrated by Jennifer Lautusi, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Escalator, illustrated by Christine Ross, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Swing, illustrated by Margaret Powell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
New Pants, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Fishing, illustrated by Peter Foster, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Green Grass, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Rat's Funny Story, illustrated by Damon Keen, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Halloween, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Jump, Jump, Kangaroo, illustrated by Kathryn Pond, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Nest, illustrated by Bryan Pollard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
I Love Chickens, illustrated by Anthony Sang, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
My Mom and Dad, illustrated by Marjorie Scott, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
My Brown Cow, illustrated by Bryan Pollard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Valentine's Day, illustrated by Fraser Williamson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Hungry Giant's Lunch, illustrated by Jenni Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
How to Make Can Stilts, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Fire and Water, illustrated by Tim Tripp, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Giggle Box, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Pet Shop, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Where Is Skunk?, illustrated by Boris Pokos, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Umbrella, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Chick's Walk, illustrated by Wade Shotter, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
What Can Jigarees Do?, illustrated by Sandra Cammell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Bridge, illustrated by Sandra Cammell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
My Picture, illustrated by Andrew Coffey, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Snowman, illustrated by Richard Hoit, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Who Can See the Camel, illustrated by Graeme Kyle, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Ebenezer and the Sneeze, illustrated by Helen Humphries, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Bears' Picnic, illustrated by Gavin Bishop, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The "Gotcha" Box, illustrated by Tony Stoddard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Sunflower Seeds, illustrated by Sarah Irvine, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Surprise, illustrated by Lise Knowles, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Best Children in the World, illustrated by Marjorie Scott, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Elevator, illustrated by Chris Norfolk, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Happy Birthday, Frog, illustrated by George Baxter, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Dan Gets Dressed, illustrated by Annie Hayward, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Shoo, Fly!, illustrated by Fred Ooms, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Salad, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Mouse Train, illustrated by Ian McNee, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Tick-Tock, illustrated by Annette Hislop, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Gifts, illustrated by Sandra Cammell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Waiting, illustrated by Glenda Jones, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Clown in the Well, illustrated by Christine Ross, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Ducks, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
How Many Hot Dogs?, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Blueberry Muffins, illustrated by Jo Davies, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
When I Was Young: Sharing My Stories, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Little Meanie's Lunch, illustrated by Sandra Cammell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Chicken for Dinner, illustrated by Christine Ross, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Little Hearts, illustrated by Fraser Williamson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Skating, illustrated by Sandra Cammell, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Tittle-Tattle Goose, illustrated by Mike Spoor, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Roberto's Smile, illustrated by John Hurford, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Fantastic Cake, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Roy G. Biv, illustrated by Mary Davy, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Barn Dance, illustrated by Brent Chambers, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Teeth, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Gulp!, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Doctor Boondoggle, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Hats, illustrated by Noli Hernandez, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1998.
Jumping Shoes, illustrated by Geeta Sawhney, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 1998.
The Wild West Gang, illustrated by Trevor Pye, HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1998.
Do Not Open This Book, illustrated by David Lund, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Move Over!, illustrated by Jean Pidgeon, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Mr. Bitter's Butter, illustrated by John Nez, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
What Next?, illustrated by Diana Manguson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, illustrated by Olivier Dunrea, Boyds Mills Press (Honesdale, PA), 1999.
The Video Shop Sparrow, illustrated by Gavin Bishop, Boyds Mills Press (Honesdale, PA), 1999.
Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, illustrated by Jennifer Plecas, Philomel (New York, NY), 1999.
Greedy Cat and the Birthday Cake, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 1999.
What a Dog!, illustrated by Joan Swan, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
Zip-Zip, Rattle-Bang!, illustrated by Diana Magnuson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
The Alphabet Game, illustrated by John Nez, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
The Super Smile Shop, illustrated by John Nez, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
The Little Yellow Chicken's House, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
The Grumputer, illustrated by David Lund, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
(With others) Definitely, Positively, Absolutely No!: Drugs, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
Dan Goes Home, illustrated by Annie Hayward, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1999.
Red-eyed Tree Frog, illustrated by Nic Bishop, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1999.
Shadrach Girl, Puffin (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
From Sky to Sea, illustrated by Nic Bishop, Learning Matters Africa (Durban, South Africa), 2000.
The Big Bed, illustrated by Marjorie Scott, Learning Matters Africa (Durban, South Africa), 2000.
Mud Walk, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
Little Red Sports Car, illustrated by Roni Shephard, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
Bubbles on the Bus, illustrated by Larry Ross, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
The Jigaree's Breakfast, illustrated by K. D. Maxx, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
Dinosaur Morning, illustrated by Ka Botzis, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
Seven Fat Cats, illustrated by Erin Mauterer, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
Detective Dog, illustrated by Rodger Wilson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
A Meanie's Party, illustrated by David Lund, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
The Strum Family Band, illustrated by Joe Cepeda, Wright (Bothell, WA), 2000.
The Wild West Gang Go Crazy, illustrated by Jason Ford, Collins (London, England), 2000.
The Wild Wests and Pong Castle, HarperCollins (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
The Wild Wests and the Haunted Fridge, HarperCollins (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Apple, Banana, Cherry, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Cricket's Storm, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Eating Plums in Bed, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Pip the Penguin, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Pudding, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Brodie, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Weta, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Miss Pool Is Cool, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 2001.
Pigeon Princess, Shorthand (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Camping, Shorthand (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Duck Walk, Scholastic (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Greedy Cat's Door, Learning Media (Wellington, New Zealand), 2001.
The Thirteenth Floor, Shorthand (Auckland, New Zealand), 2001.
Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark, illustrated by Jennifer Plecas, Philomel (New York, NY), 2001.
Mrs. Goodstory, illustrated by Erica Dornbusch, Boyds Mills Press (Honesdale, PA), 2001.
Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, illustrated by Jennifer Plecas, Philomel (New York, NY), 2002.
Weta: A Knight in Shining Armor, photographs by Rod Morris, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2002.
Where Horses Run Free: A Dream for the American Mustang, illustrated by Layne Johnson, Boyds Mills Press (Honesdale, PA), 2003.
The Wishing of Biddy Malone, illustrated by Christopher Denise, Philomel (New York, NY), 2004.
Hunter, Philomel (New York, NY), 2004.
Chameleon, Chameleon, photographs by Nic Bishop, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2005.
Drum Beat, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Babysitting, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Great Adventure, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Miss Bessy and Cowboy Bill, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Mr. Ha Ha, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Rooroo the Rooster, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Splash, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Sticky Business, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Story Cake, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Ting-a-ling, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Everybody Bicycle, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Happy Made Day, K9, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Happy Robot ZD3, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Horrible Miggle, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Just Joking, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
A Lion's Dinner, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Lost Dollar, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Shark Attack, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Tikky Tikky Spider, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
ZD3 the Handy Robot, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Flash Rock, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Great Bamboozle, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Green Treasure, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
The Haunted Star Ship, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Iceheart, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Salmagundi, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Spugete, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Spugete Detectives, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Spugete Mystery, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Taking Care, Dominie Press (Carlsbad, CA), 2001.
Brave Mama Puss, Reed (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Papa Puss to the Rescue, Reed (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Mabel and the Marvelous Meow, Reed (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Oscar in Danger, Reed (Auckland, New Zealand), 1995.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Wishy-Washy Day, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuler, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1993.
Dishy-Washy, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Tub, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Philomel (New York, NY), 2001.
Mr. Wishy-Washy, Philomel (New York, NY), 2003.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Splishy-Sploshy, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Philomel (New York, NY), 2005.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Scrubbing Machine, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Philomel (New York, NY), 2005.
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Christmas, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Philomel (New York, NY), 2005.
Fish in the Trough, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
A New Friend, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
Johnny's Guitar, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
The Fire-Fighters, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968, Bowmar (Glendale, CA), 1969.
The Meeting House, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968.
Wendy Makes a Poi, illustrated by Nancy Parker, Kea Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1968.
Smarty Pants, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Big Toe, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Boo-Hoo, illustrated by Andrew Reid, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Grandpa Grandpa, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Hairy Bear, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
The Hungry Giant, illustrated by Jenni Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
In a Dark Dark Wood, illustrated by Christine Ross, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
Lazy Mary, illustrated by Judy Shanahan, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980.
Obadiah!, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
One Cold Wet Night, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Poor Old Polly, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Sing a Song, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980.
Three Little Ducks, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Woosh!, illustrated by Gary Hebley, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Yes Ma'am, illustrated by Rosemary Turner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1980.
The Red Rose, illustrated by Jo Davies, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
To Town, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Dan the Flying Man, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
The Farm Concert, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Jigaree, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Meanies, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
The Monster's Party, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Who Will Be My Mother?, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
The Birthday Cake, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1986.
The Dragon, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990, illustrated by Norman Bailey, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1992.
A Terrible Fright, illustrated by Girvan Roberts, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
A Barrel of Gold, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1981.
Clever Mr. Brown, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Hungry Monster, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
Jack-in-the-Box, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
The Kick-a-Lot Shoes, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
The Pirates, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Wet Grass, illustrated by Christine Ross, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Where Is My Spider?, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Yum and Yuk, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Captain Bumble, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Countdown, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
A Day in Town, illustrated by Glenda Jones, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Big Tease, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Cat on the Roof, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
The Ghost and the Sausage, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Grandma's Stick, illustrated by Robyn Kahukiwa, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Hatupatu and the Birdwoman, illustrated by Robyn Kahukiwa, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Little Brother's Haircut, illustrated by Helen Humphries, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Sunflower That Went FLOP, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Tell-Tale, illustrated by Sherryl Jordan, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Sun Smile, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
The Bee, illustrated by Christine Ross, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Chocolate Cake, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Come with Me, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Copy-Cat, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Flying, illustrated by Jenni Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
I Want an Ice Cream, illustrated by Murray Glendale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, published as I Want Ice Cream, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1998.
Little Pig, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Lost, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
My Home, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1986.
Plop!, illustrated by Christine Ross, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Round and Round, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Splosh, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
To New York, illustrated by Jenni Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Who Lives Here?, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Where Are They Going?, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Who's Going to Lick the Bowl?, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981.
Horace, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Night Train, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Pumpkin, illustrated by Robyn Kahukiwa, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Rum-Tum Tumm, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Sleeping Out, illustrated by Lynette Vondruska, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Too Big for Me, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
What a Mess!, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Look for Me, illustrated by Lynette Vondruska, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Cooking Pot, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1987.
Fast and Funny, illustrated by Margaret Mahy, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Roly Poly, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
Sing to the Moon, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Tiddalik, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982.
The Pie Thief, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Tale of the Cook, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), circa 1982.
The Trader from Currumbin, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), circa 1983.
The War of the Winds, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), circa 1984.
Poor Old Robot, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985.
Number One, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1982.
The Biggest Cake in the World, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Fasi Sings, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Fasi's Fish, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Greedy Cat, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Old Tuatara, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Our Teacher Miss Pool, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Rain Rain, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
Words, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1983.
I'm the King of the Mountain, illustrated by Dick Frizzell, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1984.
Rosie at the Zoo, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1984.
The Wild Wet Wellington Wind, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1986.
Did You Say "Fire?", Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1987.
The Smile, illustrated by Clare Bowes, Department of Education School Publications Branch (Wellington, New Zealand), 1987.
Where Is Miss Pool?, Department of Education School Publications Branch, 1987.
The Bicycle, illustrated by Debbie Britten, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Big Hill, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1983.
Feet, illustrated by Sandra Morris, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Ghost, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Go Go Go, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983.
Houses, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1990.
If You Meet a Dragon, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
In the Mirror, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
A Monster Sandwich, illustrated by Glenda Jones, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Mouse, illustrated by Sherryl Jordan, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Night-Time, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
On a Chair, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Painting, illustrated by Jo Davies, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Party, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Storm, illustrated by Rachel Waddy, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Tree-House, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Arnold Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983.
Two Little Dogs, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982.
Oh, Jump in a Sack, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Danger, illustrated by Deirdre Gardiner, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Grumpy Elephant, illustrated by Girvan Roberts, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
The Haunted House, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Stop!, illustrated by David Cowe, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
No, No, illustrated by David Cowe, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982, Wright (Bothell, WA), 1990.
Fizz and Splutter, illustrated by David Cowe, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1982.
The Storm, illustrated by Rachel Waddy, Arnold-Wheaton (Leeds, England), 1983.
My Home, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1981, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
Little Brother, illustrated by Jill Allpress, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1983, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Yuck Soup, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Baby Gets Dressed, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Big and Little, illustrated by Miranda Witford, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Buzzing Flies, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Dinner!, illustrated by Judith Cowley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Down to Town, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
A Hug Is Warm, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Huggles' Breakfast, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Huggles Can Juggle, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Huggles Goes Away, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
I Am a Bookworm, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
I Can Fly, illustrated by Rodney MacRae, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
I Can Jump, illustrated by Sandy Nightingale, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Heinemann (London, England), 1986, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
I Love My Family, illustrated by Robyn Belton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Ice Cream, illustrated by Jill Allpress, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
The Long, Long Tail, illustrated by Madeline Beasley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Major Jump, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
My Puppy, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Our Granny, illustrated by Annie Dickeson, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Our Street, illustrated by Madeline Beasley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
The Race, illustrated by Madeline Beasley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Scat! Said the Cat, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Shark in a Sack, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Shoo! Snap!, illustrated by Isabel Lowe, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Uncle Buncle's House, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (San Diego, A), 1986.
Up in a Tree, illustrated by Val Biro, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
What Is a Huggles?, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Along Comes Jake, illustrated by Paul Korky, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Bread, illustrated by Val Biro, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Come for a Swim, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Cooking Pot, illustrated by Lynn Breeze, Heinemann (London, England), 1987, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
Dad's Headache, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Don't You Laugh at Me!, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Giant's Boy, illustrated by Nick Price, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Good for You, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Goodbye, Lucy, illustrated by Jill Allpress, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
I'm Bigger than You!, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Let's Have a Swim!, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Little Car, illustrated by Martin Bailey, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Monkey Bridge, illustrated by Susan Moxley, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Mr. Grump, illustrated by Wendy Hodder, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Mr. Whisper, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
My Boat, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
My Sloppy Tiger, illustrated by Peter Stevenson, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Noise, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Nowhere and Nothing, illustrated by Terry Burton, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Old Grizzly, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
One Thousand Currant Buns, illustrated by Jeff Fowler, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Poor Sore Paw, illustrated by Eric Kinkaid, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Terrible Tiger, illustrated by John Francis, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Ratty-Tatty, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Red Socks and Yellow Socks, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Seed, illustrated by Philip Webb, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Tiny Woman's Coat, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Wake up, Mum!, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Heinemann (London, England), 1987, published as Wake up, Mom!, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
What Would You Like?, illustrated by Astrid Matijasevic, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Where Are You Going Aja Rose?, illustrated by Rosemary Murphy, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
The Wind Blows Strong, illustrated by Vicki Smillie-McHoull, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1987.
Spider Spider, illustrated by Michelle Stuart, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
When Itchy Witchy Sneezes, illustrated by Wendy Hodder, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1989.
Growing, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
The Little Red Hen, illustrated by Wendy Hodder, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
My Little Brother, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Splish Splash!, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Where Can We Put an Elephant?, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Where's the Egg Cup, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1986.
Lucy's Sore Knee, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
My Wonderful Chair, Wright (San Diego, CA), 1988.
The Kangaroo from Wooloomooloo, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Lavender the Library Cat, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Let's Get a Pet, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Little Brown House, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Jo Davies, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Magician's Lunch, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Murray Grimsdale, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Morning Dance, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Jo Davies, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Most Scary Ghost, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Jo Davies, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Mouse Monster, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Sherryl Jordan, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Plants of My Aunt, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Ten Loopy Caterpillars, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Terrible Armadillo, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by David Cowe, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Train That Ran Away, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Yukadoos, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Monster, illustrated by Philip Webb, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Mr. Beep, illustrated by David Cowe, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), 1986, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Amazing Popple Seed, illustrated by Mary Davy, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Don't Wake the Baby, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Bull and the Matador, illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller, Shortland (Auckland, New Zealand), Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Cow up a Tree, illustrated by Rita Parkinson, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Difficult Day, illustrated by Jan Van Der Voo, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Gumby Shop, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
A Handy Dragon, illustrated by Jo Davies, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Horrible Thing with Hairy Feet, illustrated by Martin Baiby, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Boggity-Bog, illustrated by Mary Davy, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
Do-Whacky-Do, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Shoe Grabber, illustrated by Mary Davy, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
A Silly Old Story, illustrated by Rodney McRae, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
A Walk with Grandpa, illustrated by Ian McNee, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Wonder-Whizz, illustrated by Kelvin Hawley, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1988.
The Wild Woolly Child, illustrated by Philip Webb, Allan (Baltimore, MD), 1989.
Nest in a Falling Tree, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1967.
Man of Straw, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1970.
Of Men and Angels, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1973.
The Mandrake Root, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1976.
The Growing Season, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1979.
Heart Attack and Other Stories, Hodder & Stoughton (Auckland, New Zealand), 1985.
The Complete Short Stories, HarperCollins (Auckland, New Zealand), 1997.
Classical Music, Penguin (Auckland, New Zealand), 1999.
Holy Days, Penguin (Auckland, New Zealand), 2000.
Aotearoa Psalms: Prayers of a New People, Catholic Supplies (Wellington, NZ), 1989.
Psalms Down-Under, Catholic Supplies (Wellington, New Zealand), 1996.
Everything 'round Us Is Praise: Extraordinary Prayers for Ordinary Days, Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, IN), 1997.
(With Margaret Hayward) Women Writers of New Zealand, 1932–1982: Jubilee History and Writings of the New Zealand Women Writers' Society, Colonial Associates (Wellington, New Zealand), 1982.
(With Jan Grainger, Margaret Mahy, and others) Ready to Read, Department of Education School Publications Branch, 1983.
(With Tracey Clark) Switch On: Messages and How We Receive Them, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1987.
The Haunting of Frogwash Farm (play), produced, 1988.
Author of "Joy Starters" series for Dominie Press. Also author of radio scripts for New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation. Contributor to anthologies, including New Zealand Short Stories, Volume 3, Oxford University Press, 1975. Stories have appeared in New Zealand literary periodicals and school readers. Several of Cowley's books have been translated into Spanish.
Carry Me Back, a film produced by Kiwi Film Production/New Zealand Film Commission, and shown at the 1982 Cannes film festival, was based on a story by Cowley. Nest in a Falling Tree was adapted by Roald Dahl as the film The Night Digger, starring Patricia Neal. The Silent One has been adapted for film and aired on The Disney Channel.
Work in Progress
New Zealand author Joy Cowley, a prolific, award-winning writer of children's picture books and readers, first earned critical praise with adult novels. Nest in a Falling Tree, about a love affair between a woman over forty and a man under twenty, won praise from Seymour Epstein, a critic for the New York Times Book Review. According to Epstein, Cowley's first novel is "hauntingly beautiful" and "eminently well-formed."
The Silent One first brought Cowley attention for her work for children. This story, set in the South Pacific, tells how a deaf, mute boy named Jonasi is dreaded and ostracized by superstitious islanders because of his silence and because of his friendship with a rare albino turtle. Jonasi and the turtle are perceived as demons, and blamed for both a hurricane and a fatal shark attack. When Jonasi gets his chance to leave the island for a new life and an education at a school for the deaf, the life of his turtle is threatened. Jonasi jumps into the ocean to save it, and disappears forever. The Silent One was favorably received by many critics, and it earned Cowley her first AIM Children's Book Award. Virginia Haviland, writing in Horn Book, found the prose in The Silent One to be "brilliantly evocative of the physical background as well as of the emotional atmosphere." The book "has a haunting quality," asserted a critic for Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. And Times Educational Supplement critic Fred Urquhart declared that The Silent One "will not be forgotten easily."
"In the early years at school, I was a slow and struggling student," Cowley explained on her Web site. "I could have added to the country's illiteracy statistics. The experience of trying to learn to read with a meaningless system of fragmented language has made me a passionate advocate for the beginning reader, the slow reader, the reader who has English as a second language. I believe that learning to read must be a pleasurable and meaningful exercise. If it isn't then we teach children to read and to hate reading at the same time."
Cowley began writing for children because of her son, Edward, who like her was slow to learn how to read. With the assistance of his teacher, she tried to write stories which would appeal to him and be easy for him to read. Eventually, she began working with other children with reading problems, and teachers began to use her stories in their classes. With the help of June Melser, a teacher and editor, Cowley created the 112 books in the "Story Box" reading program, which has been used in elementary schools across the English-speaking world. To date, Cowley has written over six hundred books, the vast majority of which are easy readers for young children.
Cowley gained critical recognition for her picture book The Mouse Bride, illustrated by David Christiana. In this work, based on a traditional folktale spanning many cultures, a small mouse laments her weakness and desires to marry the strongest husband in the world, thereby seemingly ensuring strong children. Her search takes her to the sun, the cloud, the wind, and finally back again to a house before her quest is resolved.
Cowley and illustrator Nic Bishop received the Boston Globe-Horn Book Picture Book Award for Red-eyed Tree Frog, one of a very small number of nonfiction books geared to preschool children. Red-eyed Tree Frog is the story of this frog's quest to find food without becoming food himself one evening, told in simple sentences "without the slightest hint of anthropomorphism," commented Horn Book reviewer Lauren Adams. For example, one spread features a photograph of an iguana and the frog staring at each other, with the text, "Frogs do not eat iguanas. Do iguanas eat frogs? The red-eyed tree frog does not wait to find out." This was the sort of story that Cowley and Bishop thought "could be vicariously thrilling to a young child," Cowley explained in her acceptance speech. Adams thought it was, too, commenting that the "text is perfectly attuned to the pre-school ear," successfully conveying "information, action, and drama."
Cowley and Bishop teamed up again with a second nonfiction title, Chameleon, Chameleon. The book follows a chameleon through its day, passing both harmless and dangerous creatures as it searches for food and finds a companion. "This is the ideal combination of spectacular photography with writing perfectly attuned to a young audience," proclaimed Danielle J. Ford in Horn Book. Patricia Manning of School Library Journal commented on the "simple text and exceptional photos" featured in the book. "Words and pictures come together to deliver a satisfying nonfiction adventure," praised a critic for Kirkus Reviews, while Booklist contributor Kay Weisman noted, "The deceptively simple narrative draws children right in."
Many of Cowley's stories have some sort of moral or lesson for the reader. Examples include The Video Shop Sparrow, in which two young boys discover that a sparrow has been trapped inside their neighborhood video rental store while the proprietor went away for a two-week holiday. Most of the adults don't care about the bird—"It can tweet in bird heaven," declared the police—but the boys persist. Eventually, the mayor, sensing good publicity, has the store opened and the bird freed. Cowley gets the moral across "without hammering it home, and the boys' compassion in the face of adult indifference is all the more admirable for being so stubborn," John Peter commented in a review for Booklist.
The folktale-like The Wishing of Biddy Malone gives readers the message that in order to reach their goals, they must work for them and not simply wish. Biddy Malone wants to become the best dancer and best singer, and wishes she could control her hot temper. When she meets a fairy man, a "loveling," she thinks all her wishes will come true. But although he offers to grant her wishes, when she returns home, none of her wishes have come true. She decides to work at each of her endeavors, and finally masters each. "Cowley strives for a folkloric quality in this original tale," commented Miriam Lang Budin, writing for School Library Jour-
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nal. A critic for Publishers Weekly commented that Cowley "grabs onto traditional elements of Irish folklore with gusto," but noted that the moral of the story comes across too obviously. Carolyn Phelan of Booklist praised Cowley's language, noting that "The beautifully cadenced story reads aloud with a musical lilt."
Cowley's "Agapanthus Hum" series is loosely based on her daughter Judith. Like the title character, Judith was constantly losing her glasses. "Sometimes they hung on one ear, sometimes they dropped into her porridge, sometimes she sat on them and twice they were run over by the lawn mower," Cowley recalled on her Web site. In the first book, Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, Agapanthus is inspired to become an acrobat by a trip to the circus; predictably, this spells disaster for her glasses. This book "features playful language, characters that have their quirks yet stay believable, and a fun-to-read pace," a Publishers Weekly contributor commented. Its sequel, Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark, was similarly praised; in a review for School Library Journal, Laura Scott noted how "Cowley's distinctive characters and use of language infuse this story with charm." Booklist contributor Helen Rosenberg commented that the sequel "will delight children who have never met Agapanthus Hum."
The adventures of Agapanthus Hum continue when Agapanthus loses a tooth in Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot. When Agapanthus's tooth falls out, she learns how to make a whistling noise through the gap, and Major Bark is quick to join in her music with his own howling. "Cowley's simple text is filled with delicious word choices and rhythmic alliteration," praised Gillian Engberg in a Booklist review. Mary Elam, writing for School Library Journal, commented, "This familiar topic, short chapters, frequent illustrations, and ample white space will appeal to beginning readers." A Kirkus Reviews contributor noted, "Coley's genius with new readers is that she knows her audience," and proclaimed the book to be "a howling success."
Another of Cowley's famous character, originally published in Mrs. Wishy-Washy in 1980, was introduced to new audiences in several sequels produced in the late 1990s and early 2000s. These "classic adventures" according to a Publishers Weekly critic, tell of a washer woman who strives to keep things clean. From washing devices that fly out of control to rebellious farm animals who don't want to bathe, Mrs. Wishy-Washy's adventures are fully of plenty of humorous mishaps. Lee Bock, writing for School Library Journal considered Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm to be "a splendid choice for storytimes," while a Kirkus Reviews critic noted that it would make for "a rollicking story time." A Publishers Weekly reviewer noted that while Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm is longer, "Cowley keeps this lengthier sequel easy enough for beginning readers."
In 2004, Cowley created a novel for young readers that combines modern day adventure with information about New Zealand in the early 1800s. Jordan, who is part Maori, and her siblings are in a plane that crashes on a remote beach, and they must struggle to survive in an unfamiliar wilderness. Luckily, Jordan begins receiving messages about how to find shelter—the information comes to her from Hunter, a runaway Maori slave living in 1805. While Hunter is fleeing his captors, he does all he can to aid the children he sees in his visions. "Alternately exciting and mysterious, the novel has highly appealing elements," commented Ellen Fader of School Library Journal. Hazel Rochman, writing for Booklist, noted that Cowley "weaves in fascinating history" to drive the story.
Cowley, who has also penned books on the education of children and on children's writing, once explained how she approaches her work for children. "Writing for young people requires a memory; more than that—before starting a book it's necessary to peel away years of adult experience like the layers of an onion, and expose a self that's of an age corresponding with character and reader. Only by being once more ten or fourteen or whatever age I'm writing for, can I evaluate the work. I can 'live' with my characters and understand them as equals." Cowley commented on her current projects on her Web site: "I still write graded reading materials for schools but I also do picture books and novels, trade titles which children can own. Most weeks, the bulk of my writing time is spent answering letters from young friends all over the world, a task I consider more play than work."
Biographical and Critical Sources
Buck, Claire, editor, Bloomsbury Guide to Women's Literature, Prentice Hall (New York, NY), 1992.
Myers, Robin, editor, Dictionary of Literature in the English Language, Pergamon (Oxford, England), 1978.
Twentieth-Century Children's Writers, St. James Press (Detroit, MI), 1989.
Best Sellers, August 15, 1967.
Booklist, November 15, 1997, Stephanie Zvirin, review of Singing down the Rain, p. 565; October 15, 1998, Hazel Rochman, review of Big Moon Tortilla, p. 426; March 15, 1999, John Peters, review of The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, p. 1332; May 15, 1999, Hazel Rochman, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 1696; December 1, 1999, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 699, John Peter, review of The Video Shop Sparrow, p. 709; January 1, 2000, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 824; March 15, 2000, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 1342; April 15, 2000, Sally Estes, review of Starbright and the Dream Eater, p. 1543; February 15, 2001, Helen Rosenberg, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Major Bark, p. 1143; February 15, 2003, Gillian Engberg, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 1072; January 1, 2004, Carolyn Phelan, review of The Wishing of Biddy Malone, p. 872; September 15, 2004, Hazel Rochman, review of Hunter, p. 244; February 15, 2005, Kay Weisman, review of Chameleon, Chameleon, p. 1078.
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, June 1981, review of The Silent One, p. 189; July, 2000, review of Starbright and the Dream Eater, p. 395; March, 2003, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 268; February, 2004, Janice Del Negro, review of The Wishing of Biddy Malone, p. 225.
Horn Book, June 1981, Virginia Haviland, review of The Silent One, pp. 301-302; March, 1999, Lauren Adams, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 220; January, 2000, Lauren Adams, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog and text of Cowley's Boston Globe/Horn Book Award acceptance speech, p. 45; May-June, 2005, Danielle J. Ford, review of Chameleon, Chameleon, p. 346.
Instructor, April, 2000, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 12; May, 2000, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, p. 18.
Kirkus Reviews, March 15, 1978, p. 321; August 15, 2001, review of Mrs. Goodstory, p. 1209; December 15, 2002, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 1847; December 15, 2003, review of The Wishing of Biddy Malone, p. 1449; May 15, 2003, review of Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, p. 748; March 15, 2005, review of Chameleon, Chameleon, p. 349.
Landfall, May, 2000, Marion McLeod, review of Classical Music, pp. 154-156.
Library Journal, February 1, 1975, p. 310.
Magpies, March, 1996; July, 2000, review of Mrs. Wishy-Washy, p. 6, and review of Shadrach Girl, Bow Down Shadrach, and Gladly, Here I Come, p. 34; September, 2000, review of Cricket's Storm, p. 7; May, 2001, review of The Silent One, p. 7; July, 2001, review of Pip the Penguin p. 6, and review of The Wild Wests and the Haunted Fridge, p. 7; November, 2001, reivew of Brodie, p. 7; March, 2002, review of Eating Plums in Bed and Pudding, p. 5; May, 2002, review of Duck Walk, p. 26; July, 2002, review of Weta: A Knight in Shining Armor, p. 8; September, 2002, review of Apple, Banana, Cherry, p. 4; May, 2003, review of Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, p. 6.
New York Times Book Review, August 13, 1967, Seymour Epstein, review of Nest in a Falling Tree, p. 5; December 24, 1972, p. 14.
Observer Review (London, England), October 22, 1967.
Publishers Weekly, November 3, 1997, review of Singing down the Rain, p. 85; January 20, 1975, p. 65; April 3, 1978, p. 69; September 30, 1996, p. 86; December 21, 1998, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, p. 68; March 1, 1999, review of The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, p. 68; November 1, 1999, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, p. 56; January 10, 2000, review of The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, p. 70; December 18, 2000, review of Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark, p. 80; February 17, 2003, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 78; April 21, 2003, review of Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, p. 60; January 5, 2004, review of The Wishing of Biddy Malone, p. 60; January 24, 2005, "All Aboard," p. 245.
Reading Teacher, March, 2000, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, p. 519.
Reading Time, May, 1996, p. 23.
School Library Journal, October, 1997, Lisa Falk, review of Singing down the Rain, p. 95; November 1, 1998, Roxanne Burg, review of Big Moon Tortilla, p. 77; March, 1999, Kathy Piehl, review of Red-eyed Tree Frog, pp. 190-191; April, 1999, Gale W. Sherman, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses, p. 91; May, 1999, Lisa Dennis, review of The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, p. 88; December, 1999, Lisa Gangemi Krapp, review of The Video Shop Sparrow, p. 90; June, 2000, Ronni Krasnow, review of Starbright and the Dream Eater, p. 142; February, 2001, Laura Scott, review of Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark, p. 93; September, 2001, Karen J. Tannenbaum, review of Mrs. Good-story, p. 186; February, 2003, Mary Elam, review of Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 103; July, 2003, Lee Bock, review of Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, p. 89; December, 2003, John Sigwald, review of Where Horses Run Free: A Dream for the American Mus-tang, p. 112; March, 2004, Miriam Lang Budin, review of The Wishing of Biddy Malone, p. 155; November, 2004, Ellen Fader, review of Hunter, p. 139; April, 2005, Patricia Manning, review of Chameleon, Chameleon, p. 120.
Times Educational Supplement, August 20, 1982, Fred Urquhart, review of The Silent One.
Tribune Books (Chicago, IL), March 30, 2003, review of Agapanthaus Hum and the Angel Hoot, p. 5.
Voice of Youth Advocates, December, 2000, review of Starbright and the Dream Eater, p. 358.
Joy Cowley Home Page, (September 18, 2005).
New Zealand Book Council Web site, (September 18, 2005).
New Zealand Books Web site, (September 18, 2005).
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Web site, (September 18, 2005).
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