Robert D. San Souci (1946-)
Freelance writer, 1974—. Books, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA, book buyer, 1966-72; California State University, Hayward, lecturer in English, 1969-70; Campus Textbook Exchange, Berkeley, CA, assistant store manager and book department manager, 1972-73; Graduate Theological Union Bookstore, Berkeley, general manager, 1973-79; Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA, promotion coordinator, copy writer, and editorial coordinator, 1979-86; Walt Disney Feature Animation, Burbank, CA, story consultant, 1993—. Lecturer at elementary and middle schools, colleges, and universities, and to professional organizations.
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915– ) Biography to Bessie Smith (1895–1937) BiographyRobert D. San Souci (1946-) Biography - Career, Awards, Honors, Sidelights - Personal, Addresses, Member, Writings, Work in Progress