Phillis Gershator (1942-)
Awards, Honors
Cooperative Children's Book Center of the University of Wisconsin choice book, Children's Book of the Year, Bank Street's Child Study Children's Book Committee, American Children's and Young Adult literature Award commended title, Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs, and Blue Ribbon Book, Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, all 1994, all for Tukama Phillis Gershator Tootles the Flute: A Tale from the Antilles; Best Children's Book of the Year designation, Bank Street's Child Study Children's Book Committee, 1994, for The Iroko-Man: A Yoruba Folktale, 2001, for Only One Cowry, and 2005, for The Babysitter Sings; National Council of Teachers of English Notable Trade Book in the Language Arts, 1995, and Best Black History for Young People, Booklist, 1995, all for Rata-pata-scatafata: A Caribbean Story; Bulletin of the Center for Childrens Books Choice designation, 1999, for When It Starts to Snow; Anne Izard Storyteller's Choice Award, 2000, for ZZZng! ZZZng! ZZZng!
Additional topics
Brief BiographiesBiographies: E(mily) R. Frank (1967-) Biography - Personal to Martha Graham (1893–1991) BiographyPhillis Gershator (1942-) Biography - Awards, Honors, Sidelights - Personal, Career, Member, Writings, Work in Progress