Sandra Fenichel Asher (1942-)
American Alliance of Theatre and Education, International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (U.S. chapter), Authors Guild, Dramatists Guild, Association for Jewish Theatre, National Council of Teachers of English Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (member of board of directors, 1989-92), Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (Missouri advisor, 1986-89; member of board of directors, 1989-97), New England Theatre Conference, Phi Beta Kappa.
Additional topics
- Sandra Fenichel Asher (1942-) - Awards, Honors
- Sandra Fenichel Asher (1942-) - Career
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: (Hugo) Alvar (Henrik) Aalto (1898–1976) Biography to Miguel Angel Asturias (1899–1974) BiographySandra Fenichel Asher (1942-) - Career, Member, Awards, Honors, Sidelights - Personal, Addresses, Writings, Work in Progress, Autobiography Feature