1 minute read

Michele R. Wagner (1975-) Biography

Personal, Addresses, Career, Writings, Sidelights

Born 1975, in San Diego, CA; Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: California State University, San Marcas, B.A. (English), 1997. Politics: Republican Conservative. Religion: Reformed Presbyterian.

Agent—c/o Author Mail, Gareth Stevens, Inc., 330 West Olive St., No. 100, Milwaukee, WI 53212-1068.

Writer and editor. Greehaven Press, San Diego, CA, editor and proofreader, 1998-2001.

At Issue: How Should Prisons Treat Their Inmates?, Greenhaven Press (San Diego, CA), 2000.

Sweden, Gareth Stevens Pub. (Milwaukee, WI), 2001, expanded with text by Vimala Alexander as Welcome to Sweden, 2002.

Michele R. Wagner

Haiti, Gareth Stevens (Milwaukee, WI), 2002, expanded with text by Katharine Brown as Welcome to Haiti, 2003.

Michele R. Wagner told Something about the Author: "I have always been more comfortable reading than writing. While studying for my English degree, I chose a literature emphasis over writing. Writing books to educate children has been a step toward finally crossing that line and trying something different. I have enjoyed my forays into the world of writing and hope that as my confidence in my writing grows, so will my collection of work."

Biographical and Critical Sources


School Library Journal, February, 2002, Blair Christolon, review of Sweden, p. 151; February, 2003, Be Astengo, review of Sri Lanka, p. 160.*

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