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Candace (J.) Pruett (1968-) Biography

Personal, Addresses, Career, Member, Writings, Work in Progress

Born 1968, in Denver, CO; Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: University of Colorado, B.A.. Politics: Republican. Religion: Lutheran.

Offıce—Poudre Valley Health System, 1024 South Lemay Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80524.

Writer, registered nurse, and consultant. Poudre Valley Health System, Fort Collins, CO, human resources consultant and nurse recruiter, 1993—. Project Self-Sufficiency, counselor; mentor for International Telementor program.

American Nurses Association, Colorado Nurses Association (vice president of District 9), Northern Colorado Nurses Coalition.

A Visit with My Uncle Ted, Elderberry Press (Oakland, OR), 2003.

Two other children's books focused on increasing interest in nursing: My Mommy Is Special and I Made a New Friend Today.

Additional topics

Brief BiographiesBiographies: Jan Peck Biography - Personal to David Randall (1972–) Biography - Personal