Stuart J. Murphy (1942-)
Education research consultant and author of children's books. Art director, The Art Gallery magazine, 1964-67; designer and art director, Ginn and Company (educational publishers), 1967-80; co-founder and president of Ligature, Inc. (educational research and development firm), 1980-92; freelance writer, consultant, and lecturer, beginning 1992. Served on board of trustees, Rhode Island School of Design, on committee on museum education for the Art Institute of Chicago, and Harvard University Graduate School of Education arts advisory council; served on board of governors, Northwestern University Library Council.
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: Barbara Barbieri McGrath (1953–) Biography - Personal to Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930) BiographyStuart J. Murphy (1942-) Biography - Career, Awards, Honors, Sidelights - Personal, Addresses, Writings