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Jonathan (Paul) London (1947-) Biography

Awards, Honors, Writings, SidelightsPersonal, Addresses, Career, Member, Adaptations

(Jonathan Sherwood)

Born 1947, in Brooklyn, NY; Education: San Jose State University, B.A., 1969, M.A., 1970; Sonoma State University, teaching certificate for grades K-12, 1985. Hobbies and other interests: Hiking, backpacking, kayaking, cross-country skiing.

Agent—Barbara Kouts, P.O. Box 560, Bellport, NY 11713.

Freelance laborer, dancer, child counselor, display installer, 1979—; children's writer, 1989—. American Booksellers Association, panelist for Children's Book Council, 1993.

Amnesty International, Wilderness Society.

Froggy Gets Dressed and Honey Paw and Lightfoot were featured on the PBS television program Storytime; Hip Cat and Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back were featured on Reading Rainbow; What Newt Could Do for Turtle was adapted for television and broadcast in Great British and Germany.

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