Betsy Harvey Kraft Biography (1937-)
Nonfiction author Betsy Harvey Kraft has translated her interest in the rise in industry during the early twentieth century—and the factors that powered that industry—into a series of books for young people. Stemming from her interest in the energy field are her first two books: Coal and Careers in the Energy Industry, both published by Franklin Watts. In a somewhat related book, Mother Jones: One Woman's Fight for Labor profiles the Irish-American immigrant who, in middle age, took on the battle against unscrupulous employers during the formative years of the U.S. labor movement. Praising the work, a Publishers Weekly reviewer noted that Kraft presents a balanced view of her subject, showing Jones' rise to power as a labor activist, but also profiling the woman's "blatant self-promotion and her scattered but costly defeats." Kraft's second biography, Theodore Roosevelt: Champion of the American Spirit, focuses on one of the era's most colorful, as well as powerful characters: the twenty-sixth president of the United States. Unlike most biographies, however, Kraft focuses on the human side of the president, weaving recollections of friends and family into a legacy that included a concern for conservation, strong-minded efforts to conform big business to the law of the land, and Roosevelt's receipt
Betsey Harvey Kraft presents a fact-filled biography of the enigmatic man who rose from governor of New York to become the twenty-sixth U.S. president in Theodore Roosevelt: Champion of the American Spirit.
Kraft told Something about the Author: "The children's books I have published are the result of my interest in the energy field. I also enjoy the world of children's fiction, especially picture books and stories for the seven-to eleven-year-old age group. And, like every other author who has ever threaded paper into a typewriter, I am working on an adult novel–which happens to have one of the energy industries as a background."
Biographical and Critical Sources
Booklist, October 15, 2003, Carolyn Phelan, review of Theodore Roosevelt: Champion of the American Spirit, p. 402.
Horn Book, November-December, 2003, Betty Carter, review of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 766.
Publishers Weekly, May 8, 1995, review of Mother Jones: One Woman's Fight for Labor, p. 297; June 23, 2003, review of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 69.
School Library Journal, December, 2003, Ginny Gustin, review of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 170.*
Additional topics
Brief BiographiesBiographies: C(hristopher) J(ohn) Koch Biography - C.J. Koch comments: to Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard Lovell (1913– ) BiographyBetsy Harvey Kraft (1937-) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Writings, Sidelights