Jules (Ralph) Feiffer (1929-)
Playwright, cartoonist, and author/illustrator. Assistant to cartoonist Will Eisner, 1946-51; drew syndicated cartoon series "Clifford," 1949-51; held various art jobs, 1953-56, including making slide films, as writer for Terrytoons, and as designer of booklets for an art film; freelance cartoonist, with work published in Village Voice, New York, NY, 1956-97, in Observer, London, England, 1958-66, 1972-2000, and in Playboy, 1959–; cartoons syndicated by Publishers-Hall Syndicate and distributed to more than one hundred newspapers in the United States and abroad, 1956-2000. Member of faculty at Yale University School of Drama, 1972-73, Northwestern University, 1996, and Southampton College, 1999–; senior fellow of national arts journalism program, Columbia University, 1997. Exhibitions: Retrospective staged at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2003. Military service: U.S. Army, Signal Corps, 1951-53; worked in cartoon-animation unit.
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Brief BiographiesBiographies: Trevor Edwards Biography - Accepted Wisdom from His Mother to Francisco Franco (1892–1975) BiographyJules (Ralph) Feiffer (1929-) Biography - Career, Awards, Honors, Adaptations, Sidelights - Personal, Addresses, Member, Writings, Work in Progress