J(oseph) Robert Janes (1935-) Biography
Career, SidelightsPersonal, Member, Honors Awards, Writings
Born 1935, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Education: University of Toronto, B.A.Sc., 1958, M.Sc., 1967; further graduate studies in geology at McMaster University, Queen's University, and Brock University.
International Crime Writers, Crime Writers of Canada, Crime Writers of America, Crime Writers Association (U.K.), Historical Novel Society (U.K.).
Grants from J. P. Bickell Foundation, Canada Council, and Ontario Arts Council; thesis award from Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1958; Hammett Prize nominee, North American Branch of the International Association of Crime Writers, 2003, for Flykiller.
The Odd-Lot Boys and the Tree-Fort War, illustrated by Alfie Muhammad, Scholastic (Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada), 1976.
Theft of Gold, Scholastic (Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada), 1980.
Danger on the River, Clarke, Irwin (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1982.
Spies for Dinner, Collins (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1984.
J. Robert Janes
Murder in the Market, Collins (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1985.
Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils, Holt, Rinehart & Winston Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1973.
Earth Science, Holt, Rinehart & Winston Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1974.
Geology and the New Global Tectonics, Macmillan (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1976.
(With Denis Cooke, Charles Hopkins, and John D. Hoyes) Searching for Structure, Books One and Two, Holt, Rinehart & Winston Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1977.
The Great Canadian Outback, Douglas & McIntyre (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), 1978.
(With J. D. Mollard) Airphoto Interpretation and the Canadian Landscape, Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), 1984.
The Toy Shop, General Publishing (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada), 1981.
The Watcher, General Publishing (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada), 1982.
The Third Story, General Publishing (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada), 1983.
The Hiding Place, Paperjacks (Markham, Ontario, Canada), 1984.
The Alice Factor, Stoddart (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1991.
Mayhem, Constable (London, England), 1992, published as Mirage, D. I. Fine (New York, NY), 1992, published as Mayhem, Soho Press (New York, NY), 1999.
Carousel, Constable (London, England), 1992, D. I. Fine (New York, NY), 1993.
Kaleidoscope, Constable (London, England), 1993, Soho Press (New York, NY), 2001.
Salamander, Constable (London, England), 1994, Soho Press (New York, NY), 1998.
Mannequin, Constable (London, England), 1994, Soho Press (New York, NY), 1998.
Dollmaker, Constable (London, England), 1995, Soho Press (New York, NY), 2002.
Stonekiller, Constable (London, England), 1995, Soho Press (New York, NY), 1997.
Sandman, Constable (London, England), 1996, Soho Press (New York, NY), 1997.
Gypsy, Constable (London, England), 1997.
Madrigal, Victor Gollancz (London, England), 1999.
Beekeeper, Orion Books (London, England), 2001.
Flykiller, Orion Books (London, England), 2002.
Geology (television script), first broadcast by Metro Educational Television Authority, 1966.
Author of fifteen resource kits comprising teaching guides and slide sets for Holt, Rinehart & Winston Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1972. Contributor of articles and stories to Canadian magazines and newspapers, including Canadian, Canadian Children's Annual, Globe and Mail, and Winnipeg Free Press.
Theft of Gold has been translated into Norwegian. Other works have been translated into German, Japanese, and Turkish.
Additional topics
- Tama Janowitz Biography
- Paul B(ryan) Janeczko (1945-) Biography - Personal, Career, Member, Honors Awards, Writings, Sidelights
- J(oseph) Robert Janes (1935-) - Career
- J(oseph) Robert Janes (1935-) - Sidelights
- Other Free Encyclopedias
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